
Get the list of Groups for the given UserPrincipal(获取给定 UserPrincipal 的组列表)
Can you find an Active Directory User#39;s Primary Group in C#?(你能在 C# 中找到 Active Directory 用户的主要组吗?)
How to register System.DirectoryServices for use in SQL CLR User Functions?(如何注册 System.DirectoryServices 以在 SQL CLR 用户函数中使用?)
Query From LDAP for User Groups(从 LDAP 查询用户组)
How can I get DOMAINUSER from an AD DirectoryEntry?(如何从 AD DirectoryEntry 获取 DOMAINUSER?)
Get List of Users From Active Directory In A Given AD Group(从给定 AD 组中的 Active Directory 获取用户列表)
How to get Active Directory Attributes not represented by the UserPrincipal class(如何获取 UserPrincipal 类未表示的 Active Directory 属性)
Faster way to find out if a user exists on a system?(找出用户是否存在于系统上的更快方法?)
Listing All Active Directory Groups(列出所有 Active Directory 组)
Check UserID exists in Active Directory using C#(使用 C# 检查 Active Directory 中是否存在 UserID)
Quick way to retrieve user information Active Directory(检索用户信息的快速方法 Active Directory)
Get a list of members of a WinNT group(获取 WinNT 组的成员列表)