.NET TransactionScope class and T-SQL TRAN COMMIT and ROLLBACK(.NET TransactionScope 类和 T-SQL TRAN COMMIT 和 ROLLBACK)
TransactionScope: Has it gotten better?(TransactionScope:它变得更好了吗?)
C#/SQL Database listener(C#/SQL 数据库侦听器)
Is there a way to use TransactionScope with an existing connection?(有没有办法将 TransactionScope 与现有连接一起使用?)
TransactionScope and multi-threading(TransactionScope 和多线程)
How to use transactions with a datacontext(如何在数据上下文中使用事务)
TransactionScope bug in .NET? More information?(.NET 中的 TransactionScope 错误?更多信息?)
MongoDB transactions?(MongoDB 交易?)
How to rollback a transaction in Entity Framework(如何在实体框架中回滚事务)
What is the default transaction isolation level in Entity Framework when I issue “SaveChanges()”?(当我发出“SaveChanges()时,Entity Framework 中的默认事务隔离级别是什么?)
Scrolling through UIScrollView in Interface Builder for Xcode 4(在 Xcode 4 的 Interface Builder 中滚动 UIScrollView)
Create springboard like main view(创建类似于主视图的跳板)