
Why would you choose Android API over Google APIs in the SDK on Eclipse?(为什么在 Eclipse 的 SDK 中选择 Android API 而不是 Google API?)
Couchbase Bucket authentication error(Couchbase 存储桶身份验证错误)
admob 6.2.1 nullpointer exception(admob 6.2.1 空指针异常)
How to setup SDK in IntelliJ IDEA?(如何在 IntelliJ IDEA 中设置 SDK?)
My phone cannot be detected in eclipse to test run(eclipse 无法检测到我的手机进行试运行)
platform-toolsaapt.exe directory missing in android SDK(android SDK 中缺少 platform-toolsaapt.exe 目录)
error importing com.google.android.gms.*;(导入 com.google.android.gms.* 时出错;)
Problems with Android XML Editor and Eclipse...Hard to manually edit XML(Android XML 编辑器和 Eclipse 的问题...难以手动编辑 XML)
Cannot list image publishers from Azure java SDK(无法从 Azure java SDK 列出图像发布者)
How do I know that the Soundpool is ready using SDK target below 2.2?(我如何知道 Soundpool 已准备好使用低于 2.2 的 SDK 目标?)
Importing project gave Unable to resolve target #39;android-7#39;(导入项目给 Unable to resolve target android-7)
adb server is out of date. killing... cannot bind #39;tcp:5037#39; ADB server didn#39;t ACK * failed to start daemon * in ubuntu 14.04 LTS(adb 服务器已过期.杀死...无法绑定tcp:5037 ADB 服务器没有确认 * 无法在 ubuntu 14.04 LTS 中启动守护进程