iPhone 4S - BLE 数据传输速度

iPhone 4S - BLE data transfer speed(iPhone 4S - BLE 数据传输速度)
本文介绍了iPhone 4S - BLE 数据传输速度的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


我一直在修补 BLE(蓝牙低功耗)连接类最近有点安静,并且无法使其传输数据的速度超过 1KB/5 秒.我相信,在文档中,它说最大速度是每 20 毫秒 60 字节.通过数据传输和每组数据包后的 Ack 传输计数,我相信我们应该能够达到每秒 1.5KB 的速度.所以我的代码比它应该慢了大约 7-8 倍.

I've been tinkering around with the BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) connectivity classes quiet a bit lately and haven't been able to make it transfer data any faster than 1KB / 5 seconds. I believe, in the documentation, it says the max speed is 60 bytes per 20 milliseconds. With data transfer and counting the Ack transfer after each set of packets, I believe we should be able to go as fast as 1.5KB per second. So my code is around 7-8 times slower than it should be.

我只是想知道是否有人能够像文档所说的那样快速地在 BLE 中进行数据传输.如果比我快,你能达到什么样的速度?

I'm just wondering if anyone has been able to do data transfer in BLE as fast as the documentation says it should be able to do. What sort of speed are you getting if faster than mine?




see at the guidlines of apple and you will see that a connection update request is required to speed up your connection.


我有 min=20ms max 40 ms

I have min=20ms max 40 ms



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