
release method deprecated(不推荐使用发布方法)


When has happen to the release method? I always release a memory allocation when I am done with it and now it seems that the method has been deprecated. Or maybe it does not work for some objects?

Anyway, this is what I did:

Customer *aCustomer = [[Customer alloc] init];
[aCustomer release];

and I get an error there... Anyone care to explain why I get an error now that I release my memory? The error message is:

'release' in unavailable: not available in automatic reference counting mode ARC forbids explicit message send of 'release'


If you have enabled the 'ARC', then you don't need to release an object. That will be handled by the compiler. retain, release and autorelease are all handled by the compiler.

Edit: You could know more about that from here

Also there already a SO thread exists. Please go thru that.




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