iOS 5:对 UIAppearance 感到好奇

iOS 5: Curious about UIAppearance(iOS 5:对 UIAppearance 感到好奇)
本文介绍了iOS 5:对 UIAppearance 感到好奇的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


在 2011 年技术演讲中,我看到了一个关于新 UIAppearance 协议.那里还没有很多文档.我将简短地总结一下我记得的内容,以解释我的问题来自哪里:

On the tech talk 2011 I saw a speech about the new UIAppearance protocol. There is not a lot of documentation out there yet. I will shortly summarize what I remember to explain where my question is coming from:



So far you had to customize EVERY navigation bar (toolbar, etc.) property in all your app view controllers. With the new appearance property you can do it in only one place for all navigation bars in your app. For instance: if you want to customize your Navigation bar background image you could do it like this:

[[UINavigationBar appearance] setBackgroundImage:
   [UIImage imageNamed:@"MyImageName"] forBarMetrics:UIBarMetricsDefault]; 

这将设置应用程序中所有导航栏的背景图像.使用 barMetrics 您可以指定是否要在横向模式下也使用图像.

This will set the background image of ALL navigation bars within your application. With the barMetrics you specify whether you want the image to be used also in landscape mode or not.


If you want to specify the appearance to be applied only in some view controllers there is also a method in the docs to control that by specifying where your objects are located:

[[UIBarButtonItem appearanceWhenContainedIn:
    [ABPeoplePickerNavigationController class], nil] setTintColor:myNavBarColor];


Also worth to mention is, if you have single customized instances, differing from your appearance settings, theses instances will not be effected by the appearance proxy.


a) 我如何知道类的哪些属性与外观属性一起使用? 例如因为 UITableView 符合 UIAppearance 协议,所以我想我可以做类似的事情

a) How do I know which properties of a class work with the appearance property? For e.g. since UITableView conforms to the UIAppearance protocol I was thinking I could do something like

[[UITableView appearance] setBackgroundColor:mytableViewColor];


to manipulate the background color of all my table views, but I can't!

b) 是否有所有可使用外观属性操作的类的列表?

c) 在什么时候调用外观自定义? 我希望在运行时对外观属性进行更改,但不幸的是,这些更改没有发生.

c) At what point is the appearance customization being called? I was hoping to make changes threw the appearance property at runtime, but unfortunately the changes aren't taking place.


a) 我如何知道某个类的哪些实例与外观属性一起使用?例如因为 UITableView 符合 UIAppearance 协议,所以我想我可以做类似的事情

a) How do I know which instances of a class work with the appearance property? For e.g. since UITableView conforms to the UIAppearance protocol I was thinking I could do something like

您查看类的标题(以及所有超类的标题).UI_APPEARANCE_SELECTOR 旁边的任何方法都支持与 UIAppearance 代理一起使用.

You look in the header of the class (and the headers of all the superclasses). Any method that has UI_APPEARANCE_SELECTOR next to it is supported for use with the UIAppearance proxy.

[[UITableView appearance] setBackgroundColor:mytableViewColor];

backgroundColor 属性未使用 UIView.h 中的 UI_APPEARANCE_SELECTOR 修饰.因此,它在技术上不支持与外观代理一起使用.它可能会起作用,但(鉴于缺乏方法修饰)不能保证.

The backgroundColor property is not decorated with UI_APPEARANCE_SELECTOR in UIView.h. Thus it is not technically supported for use with the appearance proxy. It will probably work, but (given the lack of method decoration) isn't guaranteed to.

来自UIAppearance 协议参考:


To support appearance customization, a class must conform to the UIAppearanceContainer protocol and relevant accessor methods must be marked with UI_APPEARANCE_SELECTOR.


(note "and relevant accessor methods must be marked..." [emphasis added])

b) 是否有所有可使用外观属性进行操作的属性的列表?

b) Is there a list of all properties that are manipulatable with the appearance property?


Is there a single page showing every setter that works with the appearance proxy? I don't know of one, nor is there a way to build the list at runtime.

c) 在什么时候调用外观定制?我希望在运行时对外观属性进行更改,但不幸的是没有发生更改.

c) At what point is the appearance customization being called? I was hoping to make changes threw the appearance property at runtime, but unfortunately the changes aren't taking place.

您可以在执行期间的任何时候使用外观代理.直到下次调用这些视图的 -layoutSubviews 方法时,这些更改才会应用于受影响的视图.

You can use the appearance proxy at any point during execution. The changes won't be applied to the affected views until the next time those views have their -layoutSubviews method invoked.

这篇关于iOS 5:对 UIAppearance 感到好奇的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!



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