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      1. 弹出窗口以在片段中显示一些东西

        Pop up window to display some stuff in a fragment(弹出窗口以在片段中显示一些东西)
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                  I am trying to make something like a pop-up window, that would appear when clicked on a view in a fragment. I want this pop-up window or whatever, to not make the fragment dark, like a Dialog Fragment does. And I also want the pop up to be positioned where the view is clicked. Would be good if it has its own activity and layout so I can do some custom changes in it. Can you plese show me some sample code?


                  以下内容应符合您的规范.从分配给视图的 OnClickListeneronClick(View v) 内部调用此方法:

                  The following should work perfect in accordance with your specification. Call this method from inside onClick(View v) of OnClickListener assigned to the View:

                  public void showPopup(View anchorView) {
                      View popupView = getLayoutInflater().inflate(R.layout.popup_layout, null);
                      PopupWindow popupWindow = new PopupWindow(popupView, 
                                             LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT);
                      // Example: If you have a TextView inside `popup_layout.xml`    
                      TextView tv = (TextView) popupView.findViewById(R.id.tv);
                      // Initialize more widgets from `popup_layout.xml`
                      // If the PopupWindow should be focusable
                      // If you need the PopupWindow to dismiss when when touched outside 
                      popupWindow.setBackgroundDrawable(new ColorDrawable());
                      int location[] = new int[2];
                      // Get the View's(the one that was clicked in the Fragment) location
                      // Using location, the PopupWindow will be displayed right under anchorView
                      popupWindow.showAtLocation(anchorView, Gravity.NO_GRAVITY, 
                                                       location[0], location[1] + anchorView.getHeight());

                  评论应该很好地解释了这一点.anchorViewonClick(View v) 中的 v.

                  The comments should explain this well enough. anchorView is the v from onClick(View v).




                  Sqlite database not copied from asset folder Android(Sqlite 数据库未从资产文件夹 Android 复制)
                  SQLite Database Copy Appears Corrupted When Generated by Device and not Emulator(SQLite 数据库副本在由设备而不是模拟器生成时出现损坏)
                  Android file copy(安卓文件拷贝)
                  Android how to detect Copy event of Edittext in android(Android如何在android中检测Edittext的Copy事件)
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                  Is there a tool to find unused resources in an Android project?(是否有工具可以在 Android 项目中查找未使用的资源?)

                  1. <i id='lHU9S'><tr id='lHU9S'><dt id='lHU9S'><q id='lHU9S'><span id='lHU9S'><b id='lHU9S'><form id='lHU9S'><ins id='lHU9S'></ins><ul id='lHU9S'></ul><sub id='lHU9S'></sub></form><legend id='lHU9S'></legend><bdo id='lHU9S'><pre id='lHU9S'><center id='lHU9S'></center></pre></bdo></b><th id='lHU9S'></th></span></q></dt></tr></i><div id='lHU9S'><tfoot id='lHU9S'></tfoot><dl id='lHU9S'><fieldset id='lHU9S'></fieldset></dl></div>

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