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      1. 谷歌 6 月 17 日 Firebase SDK 更新后,Ionic Cordova 应用程序停止编译

        Ionic Cordova app stopped compiling after Google#39;s June 17th Firebase SDK update(谷歌 6 月 17 日 Firebase SDK 更新后,Ionic Cordova 应用程序停止编译)
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                  本文介绍了谷歌 6 月 17 日 Firebase SDK 更新后,Ionic Cordova 应用程序停止编译的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  在 Firebase 主要版本更新后,我无法编译 Ionic Cordova 应用程序并进行重大更改,特别是 2019 年 6 月 17 日的更新.

                  I'm unable to compile Ionic Cordova App after Firebase Major version update with Breaking Changes, specifically with June 17, 2019 update.

                  我尝试降级到 Android Cordova 6.3.0,但我的项目必须是 7.0.0.

                  I tried downgrading to Android Cordova 6.3.0 but my project must be 7.0.0.


                  @ionic/cli-utils  : 1.19.2
                      ionic (Ionic CLI) : 3.20.0
                  global packages:
                      cordova (Cordova CLI) : 8.0.0
                  local packages:
                      @ionic/app-scripts : 3.2.1
                      Cordova Platforms  : android 7.0.0 browser 5.0.4
                      Ionic Framework    : ionic-angular 3.9.3
                      Android SDK Tools : 26.1.1
                      Node              : v8.9.1
                      npm               : 5.5.1
                      OS                : Windows 10
                  Environment Variables:
                      ANDROID_HOME : C:Developmentandroid-sdk
                      backend : pro


                  :app:processDebugResourcesC:Usersmmzep.gradlecaches ransforms-1files-1.1core-1.0.0.aar73b4a83ab5e76f20c84a66b1c8444d08 esvaluesvalues.xml:133:5-70: AAPT: 错误: 资源 android:找不到 attr/fontVariationSettings.

                  :app:processDebugResources C:Usersmmzep.gradlecaches ransforms-1files-1.1core-1.0.0.aar73b4a83ab5e76f20c84a66b1c8444d08 esvaluesvalues.xml:133:5-70: AAPT: error: resource android:attr/fontVariationSettings not found.

                  C:Usersmmzep.gradlecaches ransforms-1files-1.1core-1.0.0.aar73b4a83ab5e76f20c84a66b1c8444d08 esvaluesvalues.xml:133:5-70:AAPT:错误:资源 android:attr/ttcIndex 未找到.

                  C:Usersmmzep.gradlecaches ransforms-1files-1.1core-1.0.0.aar73b4a83ab5e76f20c84a66b1c8444d08 esvaluesvalues.xml:133:5-70: AAPT: error: resource android:attr/ttcIndex not found.

                  C:UsersmmzepDesktopmarioSevenSevenPassengerAppplatformsandroidappuildintermediatesincrementalmergeDebugResourcesmerged.dirvaluesvalues.xml:95:错误:找不到资源 android:attr/fontVariationSettings.C:UsersmmzepDesktopmarioSevenSevenPassengerAppplatformsandroidappuildintermediatesincrementalmergeDebugResourcesmerged.dirvaluesvalues.xml:95:错误:找不到资源 android:attr/ttcIndex.错误:链接失败参考文献.

                  C:UsersmmzepDesktopmarioSevenSevenPassengerAppplatformsandroidappuildintermediatesincrementalmergeDebugResourcesmerged.dirvaluesvalues.xml:95: error: resource android:attr/fontVariationSettings not found. C:UsersmmzepDesktopmarioSevenSevenPassengerAppplatformsandroidappuildintermediatesincrementalmergeDebugResourcesmerged.dirvaluesvalues.xml:95: error: resource android:attr/ttcIndex not found. error: failed linking references.

                  执行 aapt 失败


                  com.android.ide.common.process.ProcessException: Failed to execute aapt


                  此构建失败是由于 Google Play 服务和 Firebase 库的主要版本发布,于 6 月 17 日发布.

                  This build failure is due to a major version release of the Google Play Services and Firebase libaries on June 17.


                  The new library versions have the following requirements:

                  • com.android.tools.build:gradle 升级到 v3.2.1 或更高版本.
                  • compileSdkVersion 升级到 28 或更高版本.
                  • 更新您的应用以使用 Jetpack (AndroidX)
                  • Upgrade com.android.tools.build:gradle to v3.2.1 or later.
                  • Upgrade compileSdkVersion to 28 or later.
                  • Update your app to use Jetpack (AndroidX)

                  前两个要求可以通过更新为使用 cordova-android@8.0.0 来解决.

                  The first two requirements can be resolved by updating to use cordova-android@8.0.0.

                  第三个要求您的 Android 项目迁移到使用 AndroidX (Jetpack).AndroidX 是广泛使用的 Android 支持库.AndroidX 现在被最新版本的 Play Services/Firebase 库使用,而 Support 库被许多现有插件使用,例如 cordova-plugin-firebase.这两个库不能同时存在于同一个 Android 构建中 - 这样做会导致构建失败.

                  The third requires that your Android project migrates to using AndroidX (Jetpack). AndroidX is the successor to the widely-used Android Support Library. AndroidX now used by the latest versions of Play Services/Firebase libraries and the Support library is used by many existing plugins such as cordova-plugin-firebase. The two libraries cannot live side-by-side in the same Android build - doing so will lead to build failure.

                  要解决此问题,请在您的 Cordova 项目中添加以下两个插件:

                  To resolve this issue, add the following two plugins your Cordova project:

                  • cordova-plugin-androidx 在 Android 项目中启用 AndroidX.
                  • cordova-plugin-androidx-adapter 动态修补源码任何使用支持库以使用 AndroidX 等效项的插件.
                  • cordova-plugin-androidx to enable AndroidX in the Android project.
                  • cordova-plugin-androidx-adapter to dynamically patch the source code of any plugins using the Support Library to use the AndroidX equivalents.

                  有关如何在测试项目中试用此功能的工作示例,请参阅 我对这个 Github 问题的评论.

                  For a working example of how to try this out in a test project, see my comment on this Github issue.

                  注意:如果您使用的是 cordova-plugin-firebase 并遇到错误,您可以改用 my fork of that plugin 发布为cordova-plugin-firebasex 并已修复以解决新 Firebase SDK 引起的问题:

                  Note: if you are using cordova-plugin-firebase and encountering errors, you can instead use my fork of that plugin which is published as cordova-plugin-firebasex and is fixed to resolve issues caused by the new Firebase SDK:

                  rm -Rf platforms/android
                  cordova plugin rm cordova-plugin-firebase
                  rm -Rf plugins/ node_modules/
                  npm install
                  cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-firebasex
                  cordova platform add android

                  这篇关于谷歌 6 月 17 日 Firebase SDK 更新后,Ionic Cordova 应用程序停止编译的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!



                  Sqlite database not copied from asset folder Android(Sqlite 数据库未从资产文件夹 Android 复制)
                  SQLite Database Copy Appears Corrupted When Generated by Device and not Emulator(SQLite 数据库副本在由设备而不是模拟器生成时出现损坏)
                  Android file copy(安卓文件拷贝)
                  Android how to detect Copy event of Edittext in android(Android如何在android中检测Edittext的Copy事件)
                  Android copy image from gallery folder onto SD Card alternative folder(Android将图像从图库文件夹复制到SD卡替代文件夹)
                  Is there a tool to find unused resources in an Android project?(是否有工具可以在 Android 项目中查找未使用的资源?)

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