Getting a reference to the UIApplication delegate(获取对 UIApplication 委托的引用)
Multiple delegates per one object?(每个对象有多个代表?)
Multiple CAAnimations for animationDidStop method?(animationDidStop 方法的多个 CAAnimations?)
Anonymous delegate implementation in Objective-C?(Objective-C 中的匿名委托实现?)
Pass data when dismiss modal viewController in swift(快速关闭模态视图控制器时传递数据)
NSURLSession delegate vs. completionHandler(NSURLSession 委托与 completionHandler)
Short hand for [[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate]?([[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate] 的简写?)
how to pass data from UIPageViewController to child ViewController using delegates(如何使用委托将数据从 UIPageViewController 传递到子 ViewController)
Passing back info between delegates on ObjectiveC(在 ObjectiveC 上的代表之间传回信息)
Retain Cycle (Strong reference) fix for custom uitextfield?(自定义 uitextfield 的保留周期(强参考)修复?)
SKProductsRequest delegate methods are never called(SKProductsRequest 委托方法永远不会被调用)
Custom UITableViewCell delegate pattern in Swift(Swift 中的自定义 UITableViewCell 委托模式)