Android Change Widget Background Image(Android 更改小部件背景图片)
Styling all TextViews(or custom view) without adding the style attribute to every TextView(为所有 TextView(或自定义视图)设置样式,而不向每个 TextView 添加样式属性)
Android: get Widget Data from database(Android:从数据库中获取小部件数据)
AppWidgetHost crash android.os.TransactionTooLargeException(AppWidgetHost 崩溃 android.os.TransactionTooLargeException)
How to share data between activity and widget?(如何在活动和小部件之间共享数据?)
How to remove widget when the app is uninstalled in Android?(在Android中卸载应用程序时如何删除小部件?)
Android widget stops working after a while?(Android小部件在一段时间后停止工作?)
Unchecking RadioButton#39;s - alternative method(取消选中 RadioButton 的 - 替代方法)
app widget setImageViewUri does not update the image(应用小部件 setImageViewUri 不更新图像)
Changing app widget background color programmatically(以编程方式更改应用小部件背景颜色)
Widget that calls speech recognition app(调用语音识别应用程序的小部件)
Android O: can we make a clock widget?(Android O:我们可以做一个时钟小部件吗?)