In what period does the firebase#39;s app token changes and how to manage it?(firebase的app token在什么时期发生变化,如何管理?)
What method should I use now since FirebaseInstanceId.getInstance().getToken() is deprecated(我现在应该使用什么方法,因为 FirebaseInstanceId.getInstance().getToken() 已被弃用)
Topics on Firebase Cloud Messaging?(Firebase 云消息传递的主题?)
How to handle the Firebase notification when app is in foreground(当应用程序处于前台时如何处理 Firebase 通知)
Firebase Cloud Messaging send click_action(Firebase 云消息发送 click_action)
Firebase onTokenRefresh() is not called(Firebase onTokenRefresh() 未被调用)
Open specific Activity when notification clicked in FCM(在 FCM 中单击通知时打开特定的 Activity)
Receive GCM notification even when the app is closed (slide/swiped away)(即使应用程序关闭(滑动/滑动)也能接收 GCM 通知)
Firebase (FCM): open activity and pass data on notification click. android(Firebase (FCM):打开活动并在通知点击时传递数据.安卓)
Firebase FCM force onTokenRefresh() to be called(Firebase FCM 强制 onTokenRefresh() 被调用)
Open app on firebase notification received (FCM)(在收到 Firebase 通知时打开应用 (FCM))
Notification Icon with the new Firebase Cloud Messaging system(带有新 Firebase 云消息传递系统的通知图标)