Create an emulator with a decent size from command line(从命令行创建一个大小合适的模拟器)
How to connect to localhost from VS Android Emulator(如何从 VS Android Emulator 连接到 localhost)
MediaRecorder crashes on start(MediaRecorder 在启动时崩溃)
Google Play services out of date. Requires 3025100 but found 2012110(Google Play 服务已过时.需要 3025100 但找到 2012110)
Android emulator - unable to load driver(Android 模拟器 - 无法加载驱动程序)
MediaPlayer no longer working on the emulator since r10?(自 r10 以来,MediaPlayer 不再在模拟器上工作?)
How to implement a ListView with fastscroll and albhabet indexer(如何使用 fastscroll 和 albhabet 索引器实现 ListView)
ListPreference dependency(ListPreference 依赖项)
How to use Shared Preferences in MVP without Dagger and not causing Presenter to be Context dependent?(如何在没有 Dagger 的情况下在 MVP 中使用共享首选项并且不会导致 Presenter 依赖于上下文?)
iOS framework with dependencies(具有依赖项的 iOS 框架)
Google Play services out of date. Requires 10298000 but found 10084470(Google Play 服务已过时.需要 10298000 但找到 10084470)
Cant find maven dependency for Google APIs to use maps(找不到 Google API 使用地图的 Maven 依赖项)