Play embedded video in UIWebView with HTML5(使用 HTML5 在 UIWebView 中播放嵌入的视频)
How do I binarize a CGImage using OpenCV on iOS?(如何在 iOS 上使用 OpenCV 对 CGImage 进行二值化?)
dismissViewControllerAnimated crash at ios5(ios5 上的dismissViewControllerAnimated 崩溃)
iOS: how to get correctly battery level(iOS:如何正确获取电池电量)
Changing Image on selected state of UITablView cell(在 UITablView 单元格的选定状态上更改图像)
Setting sqlite config SQLITE_CONFIG_SERIALIZED returns SQLITE_MISUSE on iOS 5(在 iOS 5 上设置 sqlite config SQLITE_CONFIG_SERIALIZED 返回 SQLITE_MISUSE)
After upgrading Xcode to 4.5, Restkit 10.0 project not compiling for iOS 5.1 device(将 Xcode 升级到 4.5 后,Restkit 10.0 项目无法为 iOS 5.1 设备编译)
RTL languages uipageviewcontroller animation(RTL 语言 uipageviewcontroller 动画)
How to programmatically silence the ringer or change the ringer tone on iOS5(如何以编程方式使铃声静音或更改 iOS5 上的铃声)
How to hide folders created in Document Directory in ios?(如何隐藏在 ios 的文档目录中创建的文件夹?)
iOS 5: Make NSString Category include NSCFConstantString?(iOS 5:使 NSString 类别包括 NSCFConstantString?)
Required Background modes key is not there in info-plist file(info-plist 文件中没有所需的背景模式键)