How to cancel an Dialog themed like Activity when touched outside the window?(在窗口外触摸时如何取消以 Activity 为主题的对话框?)
Android: Under what circumstances would a Dialog appearing cause onPause() to be called?(Android:在什么情况下出现对话框会导致 onPause() 被调用?)
How can I get a Dialog style activity window to fill the screen?(如何让 Dialog 样式的活动窗口填满屏幕?)
LocationSettingsRequest dialog to enable GPS - onActivityResult() skipped(启用 GPS 的 LocationSettingsRequest 对话框 - 跳过了 onActivityResult())
How to check if activity is in foreground or in visible background?(如何检查活动是在前台还是在可见背景中?)
How to change DatePicker dialog color for Android 5.0(如何更改 Android 5.0 的 DatePicker 对话框颜色)
How to dismiss the dialog with click on outside of the dialog?(如何通过单击对话框外部来关闭对话框?)
How to make an alert dialog fill 90% of screen size?(如何使警报对话框填充 90% 的屏幕尺寸?)
Activity has leaked window that was originally added(Activity 泄露了原来添加的窗口)
Lucene in Android(Android 中的 Lucene)
How can I programmatically link an UIView or UIImageView with an event like quot;touch up insidequot;?(如何以编程方式将 UIView 或 UIImageView 与“touch up inside之类的事件联系起来?)
Android: ViewGroup, how to intercept MotionEvent and then dispatch to target or eat it on demand?(Android:ViewGroup,如何拦截MotionEvent然后派发到目标或者按需吃掉?)