iOS 6 - How to run custom code when orientation changes(iOS 6 - 如何在方向改变时运行自定义代码)
Does cocos2d support ARC?(cocos2d 支持 ARC 吗?)
quot;Semantic error: Redefinition of #39;__ccContentScaleFactor#39; with a different typequot; in Cocos2D v2(“语义错误:使用不同类型重新定义 __ccContentScaleFactor在 Cocos2D v2 中)
Debug slow angular-ui-router state change on Mobile Safari(在 Mobile Safari 上调试缓慢的 angular-ui-router 状态更改)
While running android AVD manager it shows error quot;HAX kernel module is not installed!quot;(运行 android AVD 管理器时显示错误“未安装 HAX 内核模块!)
Multiple UIPickerViews(多个 UIPickerViews)
Best way to update Activity from a Queue(从队列更新活动的最佳方式)
Swift: Choose queue for Bluetooth Central manager(Swift:为蓝牙中央管理器选择队列)
Difference requiresMainQueueSetup and dispatch_get_main_queue?(区别需要MainQueueSetup 和dispatch_get_main_queue?)
GCD serial queue does not seem to execute serially(GCD串行队列似乎没有串行执行)
Queue implementation in Swift language(Swift 语言中的队列实现)
Download queue in Android(Android中的下载队列)