
How can I generate UML diagrams from Xcode4(如何从 Xcode4 生成 UML 图)
Offline iOS web app: loads my manifest, but doesn#39;t work offline(离线 iOS 网络应用程序:加载我的清单,但不能离线工作)
symbol(s) not found for architecture armv6(未找到架构 armv6 的符号)
How to send SMS from an iPhone app without opening the SMS interface?(如何在不打开短信界面的情况下从 iPhone 应用发送短信?)
Making a call programmatically from iPhone app and returning back to the app after ending the call(从 iPhone 应用程序以编程方式拨打电话并在结束通话后返回应用程序)
Bad URL when requesting with NSURL(使用 NSURL 请求时出现错误的 URL)
How to parse JSON into Objective C - SBJSON(如何将 JSON 解析为 Objective C - SBJSON)
Support legacy iPhone users(支持旧版 iPhone 用户)
Where are the UIKit Framework implementation files located?(UIKit 框架实现文件在哪里?)
iOS installing apps without app store(iOS 安装没有应用商店的应用)
How to determine the date an app is installed or used for the first time?(如何确定应用程序首次安装或使用的日期?)
How to record and play sound in iPhone app?(如何在 iPhone 应用程序中录制和播放声音?)