SoapVar/Param 和 SOAP 中嵌套的重复元素

SoapVar/Param and nested, repeated elements in SOAP(SoapVar/Param 和 SOAP 中嵌套的重复元素)
本文介绍了SoapVar/Param 和 SOAP 中嵌套的重复元素的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!



My goal is to be able to create a soap request that can contain items like so:

    <names>IAG Group</names>
    <names>Ticket #</names>

然而,我能想到的soapvar 和soapparam 的每一个组合都使我无法复制嵌套的名称"标签.我可以像这样获得 1 个子标签:

However, every combination of soapvar and soapparam I've been able to think up either makes it impossible for me to duplicate the nested 'names' tag. I can get 1 sub tag like so:

$flexFields = array(
  'names'=> new SoapVar(
      new SoapVar(array('names'=>'IAG Group'),SOAP_ENC_OBJECT),


<flexFields xsi:type="ns2:SoapNamedValues">
  <names xsi:type="names">
    <names xsi:type="xsd:string">IAG Group</names>

但是,如果我使用 SOAP_ENC_OBJECT,我为使名称标签重复所做的任何尝试都会生成一个可怕的 BOGUS 元素,或者如果我使用 SOAP_ENC_ARRAY,则将每个项目都包装在另一个项目"元素中,这也是不可取的.

But any attempt I make to get the names tag to repeat either generates a dreaded BOGUS element if I use SOAP_ENC_OBJECT, or wraps every item in another 'item' element if I use SOAP_ENC_ARRAY, which is also not desirable.

我知道我可以手动创建我想要的内容并使用 XSD_ANYXML 加载它,但这已经接近违背使用 SOAP 库的目的了.

I know I could just manually create what I want and load it with XSD_ANYXML, but that is getting close to the line of defeating the purpose of using the SOAP library.

谁能提供一个示例,说明如何完美平衡 soapvar/soapparam + 数组嵌套以使其实际工作?还是我在尝试使用 PHP 的 SOAP 库做不可能的事情?

Can anyone provide an example of just how to perfectly balance the soapvar/soapparam + array nesting to get this to actually work? Or am I attempting the impossible with PHP's SOAP library?


我也遇到了 BOGUS 标签问题.我的解决方案涉及使用 ArrayObject 代替数组原语.然后所有对象都转换为 SoapVar 对象.看起来soap 库真的想处理无处不在的对象.我在这里有一个更完整的文章:

I ran into the BOGUS tag problem also. My solution involved using an ArrayObject in place of array primitives. The objects are all then converted to SoapVar objects. It seems the soap library really wants to deal with objects everywhere. I have a more complete writeup here:

这篇关于SoapVar/Param 和 SOAP 中嵌套的重复元素的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!



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