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      1. 如何将 POST 数据传递给 PHP-CGI?

        How to pass POST data to the PHP-CGI?(如何将 POST 数据传递给 PHP-CGI?)
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                3. 本文介绍了如何将 POST 数据传递给 PHP-CGI?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!



                  出于绝望,我在 shell 中执行了以下操作:

                  In a fit of desperation, I did the following in a shell:

                  export REDIRECT_STATUS
                  export SCRIPT_FILENAME
                  export REQUEST_METHOD
                  export GATEWAY_INTERFACE
                  echo "test=1" | php-cgi

                  ...并且仍然没有 $_POST 变量出现在这个输出中:

                  ...and STILL no $_POST variables are showing up in the output of this:

                  <?php var_dump($_POST); ?>


                  我正在尝试创建一个与 php-cgi 二进制文件接口的小型网络服务器.然而,事情并没有那么顺利.php-cgi 二进制文件正确处理 GET 请求.当涉及 POST 请求时,$_POST 数组是空的,即使事情正在被 POST.

                  I am trying to create a small webserver that interfaces with the php-cgi binary. However, things aren't going so well. The php-cgi binary correctly handles GET requests. When it comes to POST requests, the $_POST array is empty, even when things are getting POSTed.

                  我检查了输入 php-cgi 二进制文件的 HTTP 标头,它们确实包含 POST 数据和 Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded 标头.

                  I've checked the HTTP headers being fed into the php-cgi binary and they do indeed include the POST data and the Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded header.

                  是什么让 php-cgi 二进制文件无法看到请求中包含 POST 数据?

                  What could be keeping the php-cgi binary from seeing that there's POST data included in the request?

                  我正在取得进展,我从 PHP 源代码:

                  I'm making progress, I've dug up some stuff from the PHP source code:

                  • /sapi/cgi/cgi_main.c:

                  468: static int sapi_cgi_read_post(char *buffer, uint count_bytes TSRMLS_DC)


                  (I have no idea where this function is invoked from.)


                  After reading the answer below, I tried:





                  ...indicating that something even stranger is at work here.

                  我越来越近了...我在 /main/php_content_types.c:

                  I'm getting closer... I found this function in /main/php_content_types.c:

                  SAPI_API SAPI_POST_READER_FUNC(php_default_post_reader)

                  SAPI_API SAPI_POST_READER_FUNC(php_default_post_reader)

                  ...它似乎是处理 POST 请求的代码.

                  ...and it seems to be the code that processes POST requests.



                  显然需要设置 CONTENT_LENGTH 环境变量.

                  Apparently the CONTENT_LENGTH environment variable needs to be set.


                  export CONTENT_LENGTH


                  to my example above causes it to work properly!

                  这篇关于如何将 POST 数据传递给 PHP-CGI?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!



                  Appending GET parameters to URL from lt;formgt; action(将 GET 参数附加到来自 lt;formgt; 的 URL行动)
                  Forcing quot;Save Asquot; dialog via jQuery GET(强制“另存为通过 jQuery GET 对话框)
                  PHP - get certain word from string(PHP - 从字符串中获取某个单词)
                  How to debug a get request in php using curl(如何使用 curl 在 php 中调试 get 请求)
                  get a # from a url in php(从 php 中的 url 获取 #)
                  PHP - include() file not working when variables are put in url?(PHP - 将变量放入 url 时,include() 文件不起作用?)
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