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        为什么你不应该使用 mysql_fetch_assoc 超过 1 次?

        Why you should not use mysql_fetch_assoc more than 1 time?(为什么你不应该使用 mysql_fetch_assoc 超过 1 次?)

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                  本文介绍了为什么你不应该使用 mysql_fetch_assoc 超过 1 次?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!



                  Some people say you should not use mysql_fetch_assoc more than one time, why is that?

                  例如:我想显示两张表,一张是支付会员费的用户,另一张是没有支付会员费的用户,所以我不是查询数据库两次,而是查询一次并获得 $result 变量使用这两种类型的用户,然后我运行循环 mysql_fetch_assoc 并查看 list['membership'] = 'paid' 然后 echo ...

                  e.g.: I want to display two tables one with users who paid for membership, other with users who did not, so instead of querying database 2 times I query it one time and get $result variable with both types of users then I run loop mysql_fetch_assoc and see if list['membership'] = 'paid' then echo ...

                  第二次我循环 mysql_fetch_assoc 并查看 list['membership'] = 'free' 然后 echo ...

                  Second time I loop loop mysql_fetch_assoc and see if list['membership'] = 'free' then echo ...


                  What uses less resources considering I got about equal amount of users who registered and unregistered.


                  把你的查询结果集想象成一根香肠,把 mysql_fetch_assoc() 想象成一把切下那根香肠的刀.每次取一行时,都会切下另一根香肠,而且总是新的一根香肠.你不能去切掉之前切过的一块,因为它已经被吃掉了.

                  Think of your query result set as a sausage, and mysql_fetch_assoc() as a knife that slices off a piece of that sausage. Every time you fetch a row, another piece of sausage is cut off, and it's always a NEW piece of sausage. You can't go and cut off a previously cut piece, because it's been eaten already.

                  这篇关于为什么你不应该使用 mysql_fetch_assoc 超过 1 次?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!



                  Appending GET parameters to URL from lt;formgt; action(将 GET 参数附加到来自 lt;formgt; 的 URL行动)
                  Forcing quot;Save Asquot; dialog via jQuery GET(强制“另存为通过 jQuery GET 对话框)
                  PHP - get certain word from string(PHP - 从字符串中获取某个单词)
                  How to debug a get request in php using curl(如何使用 curl 在 php 中调试 get 请求)
                  get a # from a url in php(从 php 中的 url 获取 #)
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