我对 Celery 还很陌生,我一直在尝试设置一个简单的脚本来安排和取消安排任务.但是我觉得我遇到了一个奇怪的问题.我有以下设置
I'm fairly new to Celery and I've been attempting setup a simple script to schedule and unschedule tasks. However I feel like I'm running into a weird issue. I have the following setup
from celery import Celery
app = Celery('celery_test',
def add(x, y):
return x + y
我很好地启动了我的 celery 服务器,并且可以添加任务.现在,当我想获取活动任务列表时,事情似乎变得很奇怪.当我使用检查来获取计划任务列表时,它只工作一次,然后每次都返回无.
I start up my celery server just fine and can add tasks. Now when I want to get a list of active tasks things seem to get weird. When I goto use inspect to get a list of scheduled tasks it works exactly once then returns None every time afterwards.
>>> i = app.control.inspect()
>>> print i.scheduled()
{u'celery@mymachine': []}
>>> print i.scheduled()
This happens whether I add tasks or not. I want to find a way to consistently return a list of tasks from my celery queue. I want to do this so I can find a previously queued task, revoke it, and reschedule it. I feel like I'm missing something basic here.
要重复调用以获取队列中的任务列表,您必须创建 Celery 对象的新实例.我试图通过调试调用 ./manage.py celery inspect scheduled
To repeat call to get list of tasks in queues you have to create new instance of Celery object. I was trying to figure out why it's necessary by debugging code executed by calling ./manage.py celery inspect scheduled
but without any luck. Maybe someone will have more experience with that and add some additional informations to this answer.
Try this simple snippet for checking list of scheduled tasks:
from celery import Celery
def inspect(method):
app = Celery('app', broker='amqp://')
return getattr(app.control.inspect(), method)()
print inspect('scheduled')
print inspect('active')