如何在 sklearn 中实现前向测试?

how to implement walk forward testing in sklearn?(如何在 sklearn 中实现前向测试?)
本文介绍了如何在 sklearn 中实现前向测试?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


在 sklearn 中,GridSearchCV 可以将管道作为参数,通过交叉验证找到最佳估计器.然而,通常的交叉验证是这样的:

In sklearn, GridSearchCV can take a pipeline as a parameter to find the best estimator through cross validation. However, the usual cross validation is like this:


to cross validate a time series data, the training and testing data are often splitted like this:


That is to say, the testing data should be always ahead of training data.


  1. 编写我自己的k-fold版本类并将其传递给GridSearchCV,这样我就可以享受管道的便利.问题是让 GridSearchCV 使用指定的训练和测试数据索引似乎很困难.

  1. Write my own version class of k-fold and passing it to GridSearchCV so I can enjoy the convenience of pipeline. The problem is that it seems difficult to let GridSearchCV to use an specified indices of training and testing data.


Write a new class GridSearchWalkForwardTest which is similar to GridSearchCV, I am studying the source code grid_search.py and find it is a little complicated.



我认为你可以使用 时间序列拆分 代替您自己的实现或作为实现与您描述的完全相同的 CV 方法的基础.

I think you could use a Time Series Split either instead of your own implementation or as a basis for implementing a CV method which is exactly as you describe it.

经过一番挖掘,似乎有人在 这个 PR 看起来就像你想要的一样.

After digging around a bit, it seems like someone added a max_train_size to the TimeSeriesSplit in this PR which seems like it does what you want.

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