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        在 Kivy 中使用和移动小部件/按钮

        Using and moving Widgets/Buttons in Kivy(在 Kivy 中使用和移动小部件/按钮)

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                  本文介绍了在 Kivy 中使用和移动小部件/按钮的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  我刚开始使用 Kivy,它与我习惯的不同,如果我犯了愚蠢的错误,请道歉!

                  I'm just starting off with Kivy and it's different to what I'm used to, apologies if I'm making stupid mistakes!


                  Right now I'm trying to create an app that does the following:

                  • 允许创建节点(现在是省略号).
                  • 允许用户通过拖动来定位节点.
                  • 允许用户用线连接节点.


                  So far I've achieved the first, and the second somewhat.


                  Right now my dragging is not working too well. If I move the mouse too quickly it cancels the move method (as it is no longer in contact). Is there a better way to produce dragging or do I just increase the refresh rate (if so how?).

                  def on_touch_move(self, touch):
                     if self.collide_point(touch.x, touch.y):
                         self.pos=[touch.x-25, touch.y-25]

                  我尝试使用 Buttons,使用 on_press 方法更好地跟踪移动.但是现在我很难更新按钮的位置(主要是语法).

                  I've tried using Buttons instead, using the on_press method to track the moving better. However now I'm having difficulty updating the position of the button (mostly just syntax).

                      class GraphNode(Button):
                         def moveNode(self):
                             with touch:
                                 self.pos=[touch.x-25, touch.y-25]


                  I have no idea how to use the touch value, and keep getting an array of errors. (Obviously the current attempt doesn't work, I just thought it was funny).


                  As you could probably tell, I also don't know how to get rid of the button graphics, as I want to use the ellipse. As an added bonus if someone could show me how to change the colour of the ellipse on button press that would be cool!

                  kv 文件:

                          size: 50, 50
                                  pos: self.pos
                                 size: self.size


                  I want to be able to use the touch information to update the position, but don't know how to implement it here.


                  Full core python code:

                      from kivy.app import App
                      from kivy.uix.widget import Widget
                      from kivy.uix.button import Button
                      from kivy.properties import NumericProperty, ReferenceListProperty,
                      from kivy.graphics import Color, Ellipse, Line
                      class GraphInterface(Widget):
                          node = ObjectProperty(None)
                      class GraphApp(App):
                          def build(self):
                              node = GraphNode()
                              game = GraphInterface()
                              createNodeButton = Button(text = 'CreateNode', pos=(100,0))
                              createEdgeButton = Button(text = 'CreateEdge')
                              def createNode(instance):
                                  print "Node Created"
                              def createEdge(instance):
                                  print "Edge Created"
                              return game
                      class GraphNode(Button):
                          def moveNode(self):
                              with touch:
                                  self.pos=[touch.x-25, touch.y-25]
                         #def onTouchMove(self, touch):
                         #   if self.collide_point(touch.x, touch.y):
                         #       self.pos=[touch.x-25, touch.y-25]
                      class GraphEdge(Widget):
                          def __init__(self, **kwargs):
                              super(GraphEdge, self).__init__(**kwargs)
                              with self.canvas:
                                  Line(points=[100, 100, 200, 100, 100, 200], width=1)
                      if __name__ == '__main__':


                  If you need any other info, or anything is unclear, please let me know!

                  第二个问题移至:在 Kivy 中创建动态绘制的线.


                  首先,你应该阅读 触摸事件.这里特别感兴趣的是关于抓取触摸事件的部分.基本上,您可以抓取"一个触摸以确保抓取小部件将始终从该触摸接收更多事件 - 换句话说,该触摸事件之后的 on_touch_moveon_touch_up将发送到您的小部件.

                  First, you should read up on touch events in Kivy. Of particular interest here is the section on grabbing touch events. Basically, you can "grab" a touch to ensure that the grabbing widget will always receive further events from that touch - in other words, the on_touch_move and on_touch_up following that touch event will be sent to your widget.


                  class MyWidget(Widget):
                      def on_touch_down(self, touch):
                          if self.collide_point(*touch.pos):
                              # do whatever else here
                      def on_touch_move(self, touch):
                          if touch.grab_current is self:
                              # now we only handle moves which we have grabbed
                      def on_touch_up(self, touch):
                          if touch.grab_current is self:
                              # and finish up here

                  但是,更好!如果您希望能够拖动小部件,Kivy 已经有了:分散.

                  But, even better! If you want to be able to drag widgets around, Kivy already has that: Scatter.

                  只需将您的小部件包装在 Scatter 中,您就可以拖动它.您还可以使用多点触控来旋转和缩放 Scatter,但您可以轻松禁用它 (kv):

                  Just wrap your widget in a Scatter and you can drag it around. You can also use multitouch to rotate and scale a Scatter, but you can easily disable that (kv):

                          do_scale: False
                          do_rotation: False

                  旁注 - 这是不正确的:

                  Side note - this is incorrect:

                  class GraphNode(Button):

                  background_disabled_downbackground_disabled_normal 是 Kivy 属性 - 你应该在 __init__ 中设置这些值.

                  background_disabled_down and background_disabled_normal are Kivy properties - you should set those values in __init__.


                  class GraphNode(Button):
                      def __init__(self, **kwargs):
                          super(GraphNode, self).__init__(background_disabled_down='',
                                                          background_disabled_normal='', **kwargs)


                  Suggest these values (better option):

                  class GraphNode(Button):
                      def __init__(self, **kwargs):
                          kwargs.setdefault('background_disabled_down', '')
                          kwargs.setdefault('background_disabled_normal', '')
                          super(GraphNode, self).__init__(**kwargs)

                  最后,请注意这些属性是 文件名指向用于禁用 Button 的图像.如果您删除这些值并禁用您的按钮,它将不会绘制任何背景.

                  Finally, note that these properties are filenames pointing to the images used for the disabled Button. If you remove these values, and disable your button, it will draw no background whatsoever.

                  这篇关于在 Kivy 中使用和移动小部件/按钮的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!



                  Kivy 1.9.0 Windows package KeyError: #39;rthooks#39;(Kivy 1.9.0 Windows 包 KeyError: rthooks)
                  Python Kivy: how to call a function on button click?(Python Kivy:如何在按钮单击时调用函数?)
                  How to disable a widget in Kivy?(如何禁用 Kivy 中的小部件?)
                  Centering an object in Kivy(在 Kivy 中将对象居中)
                  How to downgrade to Python 3.4 from 3.5(如何从 Python 3.5 降级到 Python 3.4)
                  Change button or label text color in kivy(在kivy中更改按钮或标签文本颜色)
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