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        Python3 subprocess output(Python3子进程输出)
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                • 本文介绍了Python3子进程输出的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  我想运行 Linux 字数统计实用程序 wc 来确定/var/log/syslog 中当前的行数,以便我可以检测到它正在增长.我尝试了各种测试,当我从 wc 中得到结果时,它包括行数和命令(例如,var/log/syslog).

                  I want to run the Linux word count utility wc to determine the number of lines currently in the /var/log/syslog, so that I can detect that it's growing. I've tried various test, and while I get the results back from wc, it includes both the line count as well as the command (e.g., var/log/syslog).

                  所以它正在返回:第1338章但我只想要行数,所以我想去掉/var/log/syslog 部分,只保留 1338.

                  So it's returning: 1338 /var/log/syslog But I only want the line count, so I want to strip off the /var/log/syslog portion, and just keep 1338.

                  我尝试将它从字节串转换为字符串,然后剥离结果,但没有任何乐趣.转换为字符串和剥离、解码等的相同故事 - 都无法产生我正在寻找的输出.

                  I have tried converting it to string from bytestring, and then stripping the result, but no joy. Same story for converting to string and stripping, decoding, etc - all fail to produce the output I'm looking for.

                  这些是我得到的一些示例,系统日志中有 1338 行:

                  These are some examples of what I get, with 1338 lines in syslog:

                  • b'1338/var/log/syslog '
                  • 1338/var/log/syslog
                  • b'1338 /var/log/syslog '
                  • 1338 /var/log/syslog


                  Here's some test code I've written to try and crack this nut, but no solution:

                  import subprocess
                  #check_output returns byte string
                  stdoutdata = subprocess.check_output("wc --lines /var/log/syslog", shell=True)
                  print("2A stdoutdata: " + str(stdoutdata))
                  stdoutdata = stdoutdata.decode("utf-8")
                  print("2B stdoutdata: " + str(stdoutdata))    
                  print("2C stdoutdata: " + str(stdoutdata))    


                  • 2A 标准输出数据:b'1338/var/log/syslog '

                  • 2A stdoutdata: b'1338 /var/log/syslog '

                  2B 标准输出数据:1338/var/log/syslog

                  2B stdoutdata: 1338 /var/log/syslog

                  2C 标准输出数据:1338/var/log/syslog

                  2C stdoutdata: 1338 /var/log/syslog

                  2D 标准输出数据:1338/var/log/syslog

                  2D stdoutdata: 1338 /var/log/syslog


                  我建议你使用 subprocess.getoutput() 因为它完全符合你的要求——在 shell 中运行命令并获取它的 字符串输出(相对于 字节串输出).然后你可以 在空白处分割 并从返回的字符串列表.

                  I suggest that you use subprocess.getoutput() as it does exactly what you want—run a command in a shell and get its string output (as opposed to byte string output). Then you can split on whitespace and grab the first element from the returned list of strings.


                  import subprocess
                  stdoutdata = subprocess.getoutput("wc --lines /var/log/syslog")
                  print("stdoutdata: " + stdoutdata.split()[0])




                  Pythonic and efficient way of finding adjacent cells in grid(在网格中查找相邻单元格的 Pythonic 和有效方法)
                  map a hexagonal grid in matplotlib(在 matplotlib 中映射六边形网格)
                  Execute arbitrary python code remotely - can it be done?(远程执行任意 python 代码 - 可以吗?)
                  Python - Plotting colored grid based on values(Python - 根据值绘制彩色网格)
                  Is there a GUI design app for the Tkinter / grid geometry?(是否有 Tkinter/网格几何图形的 GUI 设计应用程序?)
                  tkinter Canvas Scrollbar with Grid?(带有网格的 tkinter 画布滚动条?)
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