我正在尝试了解 python 3 的较低级别的实现.子进程模块使用了一个名为 _posixsubprocess 的模块.我试图在我的系统中找到这个模块的位置,发现它是一个存根文件.
I am trying to understand the lower level implementations of python 3. There is one module named _posixsubprocess used by the subprocess module. I tried to find the location of this module in my system and found that it's a stub file.
Could someone guide me as I have no idea about what are the stub files and how are they implemented at the lower level?
您引用的文件是用 C 编写的 Python 模块.它不是存根"文件.真正的实现可以在 Modules/_posixsubprocess 的标准库中找到.c
.您可以通过查看 构建 C 和 C++ 来了解如何编写 C/C++ 扩展扩展.这应该有助于您理解 _posixsubprocess.c
The file you are referencing is a Python module written in C. It's not a "stub" file. The real implementation can be found in the stdlib at Modules/_posixsubprocess.c
. You can see how writing a C/C++ extension is written by having a look at Building C and C++ Extensions. This should help you understanding the code in _posixsubprocess.c
为了将类型提示添加到该文件(它是用 C 编写的扩展模块"),类型提示被添加到扩展名为 .pyi 的存根"文件中代码>.
In order to add type-hints to that file (which is an "Extension Module" as it is written in C), the type hints are added to a "stub" file with the extension .pyi
该文件可以在 typeshed 中找到这是存根文件的集合.typeshed 还包含第三方模块的存根,这是一个历史遗留问题.由于 PEP-561 已被采用,因此不再需要.
That file can be found in the typeshed which is a collection of stub files. The typeshed also contains stubs for third-party modules which is a historical remnant. That is no longer needed since PEP-561 has been adopted.
存根文件包含普通 Python 模块的类型提示信息.完整的官方文档可以在关于 PEP 中的存根文件部分找到-484.
Stub files contain type-hinting information of normal Python modules. The full official documentation can be found in the section about stub-files in PEP-484.
例如,如果你有一个 Python 模块 mymodule.py
For example, if you have a Python module mymodule.py
like this:
def myfunction(name):
return "Hello " + name
然后您可以通过存根文件 mymodule.pyi
添加类型提示.请注意,这里的省略号 (...
) 是语法的一部分,因此下面的代码块确实显示了完整的文件内容:
Then you can add type-hints via a stub-file mymodule.pyi
. Note that here the ellipsis (...
) is part of the syntax, so the code-block below really shows the complete file contents:
def myfunction(name: str) -> str: ...
它们看起来与 C 头文件非常相似,因为它们只包含函数签名,但它们的使用完全是可选的.
They look very similar to C header files in that they contain only the function signatures, but their use is purely optional.
您也可以直接在 .py
You can also add type hints directly in the .py
module like the following:
def myfunction(name: str) -> str:
return "Hello " + name
But there are some cases where you want to keep them separate in stubs:
- 您希望保持您的代码与 Python 2 兼容并且不喜欢
# 类型:...
注释语法 - 您将函数注释用于其他用途,但仍想使用类型提示
- 您正在将类型提示添加到现有代码库中,并希望将现有文件中的代码搅动降至最低