我认为默认颜色循环将是(一些变体)['blue', 'red', 'green', 'purple', 'orange']
I would think that the default color cycle would be (some variants of) ['blue', 'red', 'green', 'purple', 'orange']
like in the plot below:
情节 1:
代码 1:
import plotly
import plotly.express as px
gapminder = px.data.gapminder()
px.scatter(gapminder2007, x='gdpPercap', y='lifeExp', color="continent")
至少 似乎 是循环的顺序,因为从大陆省略 Oceania
At least that seems to be the order of the cycle since omitting Oceania
from the continents will give you this:
Now the order of the remaining colors are the same except for the last orange looking one (just showing that the application of the colors are not aribtrary).
我认为这可以使用 plotly.colors.DEFAULT_PLOTLY_COLORS
I thought this would be possibleto retrieve using plotly.colors.DEFAULT_PLOTLY_COLORS
which will give you:
['rgb(31, 119, 180)',
'rgb(255, 127, 14)',
'rgb(44, 160, 44)',
'rgb(214, 39, 40)',
'rgb(148, 103, 189)',
'rgb(140, 86, 75)',
'rgb(227, 119, 194)',
'rgb(127, 127, 127)',
'rgb(188, 189, 34)',
'rgb(23, 190, 207)']
但是这些颜色的顺序类似于 ['blue', 'orange', 'green', 'red']...
But those colors are ordered like ['blue', 'orange', 'green', 'red']...
那么,在 px.scatter(gapminder2007, x='gdpPercap',y='lifeExp', color="continent")
我也尝试在 help(px.colors)
I tried looking under help(px.colors)
too, but that didn't give much:
关于 plotly.express 中的模块 plotly.express.colors 的帮助:
Help on module plotly.express.colors in plotly.express:
NAME plotly.express.colors
数据DEFAULT_PLOTLY_COLORS = ['rgb(31, 119, 180)', 'rgb(255, 127, 14)', 'rg...PLOTLY_SCALES = {'Blackbody': [[0, 'rgb(0,0,0)'], [0.2, 'rgb(230,0,0)'...absolute_import = _Feature((2, 5, 0, 'alpha', 1), (3, 0, 0, 'alpha', 0...
DATA DEFAULT_PLOTLY_COLORS = ['rgb(31, 119, 180)', 'rgb(255, 127, 14)', 'rg... PLOTLY_SCALES = {'Blackbody': [[0, 'rgb(0,0,0)'], [0.2, 'rgb(230,0,0)'... absolute_import = _Feature((2, 5, 0, 'alpha', 1), (3, 0, 0, 'alpha', 0...
此文档页面涵盖离散颜色序列:https://plot.ly/python/discrete-color/ 并提到默认序列来自活动模板中的 layout.colorway
This doc page covers discrete color sequences: https://plot.ly/python/discrete-color/ and mentions that the default sequence comes from layout.colorway
in the active template.
在名为 plotly
的默认模板中,这是 px.colors.qualitative.Plotly
In the default template called plotly
this is the sequence available under px.colors.qualitative.Plotly
这个序列是['#636EFA', '#EF553B', '#00CC96', '#AB63FA', '#FFA15A', '#19D3F3', '#FF6692', '#B6E880','#FF97FF', '#FECB52']