<i id='wpM9Y'><tr id='wpM9Y'><dt id='wpM9Y'><q id='wpM9Y'><span id='wpM9Y'><b id='wpM9Y'><form id='wpM9Y'><ins id='wpM9Y'></ins><ul id='wpM9Y'></ul><sub id='wpM9Y'></sub></form><legend id='wpM9Y'></legend><bdo id='wpM9Y'><pre id='wpM9Y'><center id='wpM9Y'></center></pre></bdo></b><th id='wpM9Y'></th></span></q></dt></tr></i><div id='wpM9Y'><tfoot id='wpM9Y'></tfoot><dl id='wpM9Y'><fieldset id='wpM9Y'></fieldset></dl></div>
      1. <small id='wpM9Y'></small><noframes id='wpM9Y'>

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      2. 制作滚动条,但它不一致

        Making a scrollbar but its inconsistent(制作滚动条,但它不一致)

          <small id='MgvEg'></small><noframes id='MgvEg'>

          • <i id='MgvEg'><tr id='MgvEg'><dt id='MgvEg'><q id='MgvEg'><span id='MgvEg'><b id='MgvEg'><form id='MgvEg'><ins id='MgvEg'></ins><ul id='MgvEg'></ul><sub id='MgvEg'></sub></form><legend id='MgvEg'></legend><bdo id='MgvEg'><pre id='MgvEg'><center id='MgvEg'></center></pre></bdo></b><th id='MgvEg'></th></span></q></dt></tr></i><div id='MgvEg'><tfoot id='MgvEg'></tfoot><dl id='MgvEg'><fieldset id='MgvEg'></fieldset></dl></div>

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              <legend id='MgvEg'><style id='MgvEg'><dir id='MgvEg'><q id='MgvEg'></q></dir></style></legend>
                <bdo id='MgvEg'></bdo><ul id='MgvEg'></ul>



                  import pygame
                  import time
                  window = pygame.display.set_mode((1200, 600))
                  font = pygame.font.Font(pygame.font.get_default_font(), 30)
                  ys = [] ##stores y-positions for the buttons
                  for y in range(25):
                      ys.append((y * 101) + 100)
                  bar = pygame.Rect(550, 100, 10, (1 / len(ys) if len(ys) > 0 else 1) * 500)
                  scrollStart = False
                  updateButtons_Y = False
                  while True:
                      for event in pygame.event.get():
                          if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
                      mousePressed = pygame.mouse.get_pressed()[0]
                      mousePos = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
                      window.fill((255, 255, 255))
                      if (bar.y < 100): bar.y = 100
                      if (bar.y + bar.height) > 500: bar.y = 500 - bar.height    
                      pygame.draw.rect(window, (0, 0, 0), bar)
                      if mousePressed and bar.collidepoint(mousePos) and not scrollStart:
                          scrollStart = True
                          scrollPosY = mousePos[1]
                      if scrollStart:
                          pygame.draw.rect(window, (255, 0, 0), bar)
                          bar.y += mousePos[1] - scrollPosY
                          if bar.y > 100  and bar.y + bar.height < 500:   
                              for i in range(len(ys)):
                                  ys[i] -= (mousePos[1] - scrollPosY) * len(ys) * 0.3
                          scrollPosY = mousePos[1]
                      if not mousePressed and scrollStart:
                          scrollStart = False        
                      for i, y in enumerate(ys):
                          pygame.draw.rect(window, (0, 0, 0), (10, y, 500, 100), 3)
                          surf = font.render(f'{i}', True, (0, 0, 0))
                          window.blit(surf, (100, y + 40))




                  if scrollStart:
                          pygame.draw.rect(window, (255, 0, 0), bar)
                          bar.y += mousePos[1] - scrollPosY
                          if bar.y > 100  and bar.y + bar.height < 500:   
                              for i in range(len(ys)):
                                  ys[i] -= (mousePos[1] - scrollPosY) * len(ys) * 0.3
                          scrollPosY = mousePos[1]

                  mousePos[1] - scrollPosY根据鼠标移动的速度而变化,因此每帧的变化量是不一致的。要解决此问题,我将其替换为

                  if scrollStart:
                          pygame.draw.rect(window, (255, 0, 0), bar)
                          if mousePos[1] - scrollPosY != 0:
                              speed = 1
                              direction = math.copysign(speed, mousePos[1] - scrollPosY)
                              bar.y += direction 
                              if bar.y > 100  and bar.y + bar.height < 500:
                                  for i in range(len(ys)):
                                      ys[i] -= direction   
                          scrollPosY = mousePos[1]





                  ys[i] -= offset

                  ys[i] = position


                  scroll_height = (500 - 100) - bar.height 
                  scroll_rel = (bar.y - 100) / scroll_height


                  box_height = (500 - 100)
                  list_height = 25 * 101
                  offset = (list_height - box_height) * scroll_rel


                  for i in range(len(ys)):
                      ys[i] = (i * 101) + 100 - offset


                  while True:
                     # [...]
                     if scrollStart:
                          bar.y = max(100, min(500 - bar.height, mousePos[1]))
                          pygame.draw.rect(window, (255, 0, 0), bar)
                          scroll_height = (500 - 100) - bar.height 
                          scroll_rel = (bar.y - 100) / scroll_height
                          box_height = (500 - 100)
                          list_height = 25 * 101
                          offset = (list_height - box_height) * scroll_rel
                          for i in range(len(ys)):
                              ys[i] = (i * 101) + 100 - offset
                      # [...]




                  GUI Freezes while downloading PyQt5 and Pytube(GUI在下载PyQt5和Pytube时冻结)
                  How to solve memory issues while multiprocessing using Pool.map()?(如何解决使用Pool.map()进行多处理时的内存问题?)
                  Python - How to use FastAPI and uvicorn.run without blocking the thread?(Python-如何使用FastAPI和uvicorn.run而不阻塞线程?)
                  How to increment a shared counter from multiple processes?(如何从多个进程递增共享计数器?)
                  Using pika, how to connect to rabbitmq running in docker, started with docker-compose with external network?(使用pika,如何连接运行在docker中的rabbitmq,从docker开始-与外部网络连接?)
                  How to use .rolling() on each row of a Pandas dataframe?(如何对 pandas 数据帧的每一行使用.roll()?)
                • <tfoot id='9s0dz'></tfoot>
                    <i id='9s0dz'><tr id='9s0dz'><dt id='9s0dz'><q id='9s0dz'><span id='9s0dz'><b id='9s0dz'><form id='9s0dz'><ins id='9s0dz'></ins><ul id='9s0dz'></ul><sub id='9s0dz'></sub></form><legend id='9s0dz'></legend><bdo id='9s0dz'><pre id='9s0dz'><center id='9s0dz'></center></pre></bdo></b><th id='9s0dz'></th></span></q></dt></tr></i><div id='9s0dz'><tfoot id='9s0dz'></tfoot><dl id='9s0dz'><fieldset id='9s0dz'></fieldset></dl></div>

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                          1. <small id='9s0dz'></small><noframes id='9s0dz'>