Jasmine 2.0:重构 1.3 的 runs() 和 waitsFor()

Jasmine 2.0: refactoring out 1.3#39;s runs() and waitsFor()(Jasmine 2.0:重构 1.3 的 runs() 和 waitsFor())
本文介绍了Jasmine 2.0:重构 1.3 的 runs() 和 waitsFor()的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


最近发布的 Jasmine 2.0 删除了 等待函数以及来自 Async Jasmine 1.3 的 runs().

The recently released Jasmine 2.0 removes the waits functions and the runs() from the Async Jasmine 1.3.

我有旧的 1.3 测试想要转换到新样式.

I have old 1.3 tests I'd like to transition to the new style.

对于等待,在大多数情况下,您似乎可以仔细编写 beforeEach()afterEach() 以获得相同的效果.

For the waits, in most cases it seems like you can write beforeEach() and afterEach() carefully for the same effect.

重现 runs() 的最佳方法是简单地按顺序执行包含的函数?

What is the best way to reproduce the runs() which simply executes the contained functions sequentially?


runs(function() {


(function() {


可以在 it() 块中使用 setTimeout.

It is possible to use a setTimeout in your it() block.

it("is asynchronous", function(done) {
  var isItDone = false;
  $.ajax('/some/url').success(function() { isItDone = true; });

    done(); // call this to finish off the it block
  }, 500);


但是,我发现这大大降低了我的测试套件的速度,因此我创建了自己的扩展程序,该扩展程序重新创建了 waitsFor 提供的轮询功能.

However, I found that that slowed down my test suite dramatically so I created my own extension which recreates the polling functionality that waitsFor provided.


这篇关于Jasmine 2.0:重构 1.3 的 runs() 和 waitsFor()的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!



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