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    2. 如何使用量角器在 e2e 测试中预期元素的动态计数

      How to expect dynamic count of elements in e2e tests using Protractor(如何使用量角器在 e2e 测试中预期元素的动态计数)

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              • 本文介绍了如何使用量角器在 e2e 测试中预期元素的动态计数的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                我目前正在使用 Protractor 为我不起眼的 Angular 应用程序编写一些 e2e 测试.

                I'm currently writing some e2e tests for my humble Angular app with Protractor.

                我的应用程序运行良好,单元测试通过了所有测试,也使用了 e2e...直到这个:

                My app works fine, unit tests passes all, e2e used too... until this one:


                describe('adding an item', function() {
                  var items,
                  beforeEach(function() {
                    items = element.all(by.css('li.item'));
                    addItemButton = element(by.id('addItemButton'));
                    startCount = items.count();
                  it('should display a new item in list', function() {


                This is how I would have written my test but,

                问题是: items.count() 返回一个承诺,我知道,但我无法强制 Protractor 解决它.所以我明白了:

                The problem is: that items.count() returns a promise, I know that, but I can't manage to force Protractor to resolve it. So I get this:

                1) myApp adding an item should display a new item in list
                    Expected 6 to equal '[object Object]1'.


                items.count().then(function(count) {
                  startCount = count;
                  //console.log(startCount) --> "6" Perfect!


                But got the same result at the end... I can't put the expect into the then, I thought about that too.

                • 我搜索了 Protractor GitHub 存储库问题、StackOverflow 和 Google AngularJs 组.


                console.log(startCount) 输出:

                { then: [Function: then],
                  cancel: [Function: cancel],
                  isPending: [Function: isPending] }

                我本可以编写 .toEqual(6),但我不想在每次需要更改应用启动状态时都重写测试.

                I could have written .toEqual(6) but I don't want to rewrite my test each time I need to change my app startup state.


                Any idea? Thanks in advance!!



                You need to resolve the promise and then do the assertion.

                Protractor 将解析你传递给 expect() 的 Promise,但它不能在 Promise 中添加数字.你需要先解决promise的值:

                Protractor will resolve the promise that you pass to expect(), but it cannot add a number to a promise. You need to resolve the value of the promise first:

                beforeEach(function() {
                  items.count().then(function(originalCount) {
                    startCount = originalCount;
                it('should display a new item in list', function() {

                这篇关于如何使用量角器在 e2e 测试中预期元素的动态计数的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!



                What are valid deviceNames for Chrome emulation testing with Protractor?(使用 Protractor 进行 Chrome 模拟测试的有效设备名称是什么?)
                Protractor Check if Element Does Not Exist(量角器检查元素是否不存在)
                Protractor e2e Tests Login Redirection(Protractor e2e 测试登录重定向)
                Explain about async/ await in Protractor(解释 Protractor 中的 async/await)
                Protractor browser.wait doesn#39;t wait(量角器 browser.wait 不等待)
                How to use Protractor with Angular 2?(如何在 Angular 2 中使用量角器?)

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