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        What is a good headless browser to run with protractor?(什么是与量角器一起运行的好的无头浏览器?)
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                  在构建烟雾和回归测试数小时后,我在网上阅读了许多案例后发现,众所周知,使用量角器运行 phantomjs 会很麻烦.到目前为止,Jenkins 一直在运行 phantomjs 来完成所有任务.

                  After hours of building my smoke and regression tests, I found out after reading many cases online that phantomjs is known to be a trouble to run with protractor. Jenkins has been running phantomjs for all the tasks it has been given so far.

                  他们需要这些测试作为没有安装窗口系统的 ci 的一部分运行.

                  因此,如果有关于完全无头浏览器或无头 chrome 的建议(这将是最有益的)并逐步进行设置,我将不胜感激.我已经有一个 conf.js 和一个 e2e.conf.js 文件.我的代码在 chrome 上运行得很好.

                  So I would appreciate it if there is a recommendation for completely headless browser or a headless chrome(that would be most beneficial) and a step by step to set it up. I already have a conf.js and a e2e.conf.js file. My code works perfectly fine with chrome.

                  我相信我使用的是 iMac 和 selenium webdriver.

                  I am on a iMac and selenium webdriver, I believe.

                  问题 = 量角器不适用于 phantomjs.我所做的 = 使用不同的网络元素,如果有人遇到类似情况,请在谷歌上搜索.还搜索了适用于量角器的无头浏览器,无法找到合适的解决方案.

                  Problem = protractor doesn't work with phantomjs. What I have done = use different web elements and googled if anyone has faced a similar situation. Also googled for headless browsers that worked for protractor, unable to find a suitable solution.


                  最好的选择是继续使用 Chrome.通过一些工作,您可以通过 CI 以无头方式使其工作 - 我们使用无头的 Jenkins 和 Docker Ubuntu 服务器来实现.

                  Your best bet is to continue with Chrome. With a bit of work you can get it to work via a CI and in a headless manner - we do this using Jenkins and Docker Ubuntu servers which are headless.

                  您需要将 Chrome 配置为使用 XVFB 无头运行.您可以按照此处的要点开始 https://gist.github.com/addyosmani/5336747

                  You will need to configure Chrome to run headless using XVFB. You can start off by following the gist here https://gist.github.com/addyosmani/5336747

                  您声明您使用的是 Mac,因此您可以通过 Docker 在您的机器上运行无头测试,也可以为 CI 测试设置第二个配置.

                  You state you are on a Mac so you can either run the headless tests via Docker on your machine or you could set up a second config for the CI tests.

                  另一个资源 http://tobyho.com/2015/01/09/headless-浏览器测试-xvfb/




                  What are valid deviceNames for Chrome emulation testing with Protractor?(使用 Protractor 进行 Chrome 模拟测试的有效设备名称是什么?)
                  Protractor Check if Element Does Not Exist(量角器检查元素是否不存在)
                  Protractor e2e Tests Login Redirection(Protractor e2e 测试登录重定向)
                  Explain about async/ await in Protractor(解释 Protractor 中的 async/await)
                  Protractor browser.wait doesn#39;t wait(量角器 browser.wait 不等待)
                  How to use Protractor with Angular 2?(如何在 Angular 2 中使用量角器?)

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