
Karma-Jasmine: How to properly spy on a Modal?(Karma-Jasmine:如何正确监视 Modal?)
How to Test Value Returned in Promise from AngularJS Controller with Jasmine?(如何使用 Jasmine 测试从 AngularJS 控制器返回的 Promise 值?)
Location reload in Jasmine(茉莉花中的位置重新加载)
Get error when try to use jasmine and angular(尝试使用 jasmine 和 angular 时出错)
spyOn could not find an object to spy upon for start()(spyOn 找不到用于监视 start() 的对象)
How jasmine clock works?(茉莉花钟的工作原理是什么?)
Jasmine spies callThrough and callFake(Jasmine 间谍 callThrough 和 callFake)
Why is Karma refusing to serve my JSON fixture (which I#39;d like to use in my jasmine / angularjs tests)(为什么 Karma 拒绝提供我的 JSON 夹具(我想在我的 jasmine/angularjs 测试中使用它))
Sinon does not seem to spy for an event handler callback(Sinon 似乎没有监视事件处理程序回调)
jQuery Trigger Event in AngularJS Karma Test(AngularJS Karma 测试中的 jQuery 触发事件)
$httpBackend in AngularJs Jasmine unit test(AngularJs Jasmine 单元测试中的 $httpBackend)
Protractor fails to find Angular(量角器找不到 Angular)