
Javascript convert GUID in string format into Base64(Javascript 将字符串格式的 GUID 转换为 Base64)
Decode URL Safe Base64 in JavaScript (browser side)(在 JavaScript 中解码 URL Safe Base64(浏览器端))
Convert an image to canvas that is already loaded(将图像转换为已加载的画布)
JS: how to encode an image.png into base64 code for data URI embedding?(JS:如何将 image.png 编码为 base64 代码以进行数据 URI 嵌入?)
Change html canvas black background to white background when creating jpg image from png image(从png图像创建jpg图像时将html画布黑色背景更改为白色背景)
Generate an image of a div and Save as(生成 div 的图像并另存为)
Fast open source checksum for small strings(小字符串的快速开源校验和)
Display canvas image from one canvas to another canvas using base64(使用 base64 将画布图像从一个画布显示到另一个画布)
Node.js base64 encode a downloaded image for use in data URI(Node.js base64 对下载的图像进行编码以在数据 URI 中使用)
How can I strip the data:image part from a base64 string of any image type in Javascript(如何从Javascript中任何图像类型的base64字符串中剥离数据:图像部分)
Advantages and disadvantages of using base64 encoded images(使用 base64 编码图像的优缺点)
Internet Explorer and Base64 image display(Internet Explorer 和 Base64 图像显示)