sp_MSforeachdb 查询帮助

sp_MSforeachdb query help(sp_MSforeachdb 查询帮助)
本文介绍了sp_MSforeachdb 查询帮助的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


我正在使用许多相同的数据库,因此我使用 sp_MSforeachdb 过程以便我可以从表中检索信息.

I'm working with a lot of databases that are the same so I am using the sp_MSforeachdb procedure so that I can retrieve information from a table.


The problem I have encountered is that there are other databases on the box that don't have the table, so I'm throwing invalid object errors.

这是我目前所拥有的,我正在过滤 LoginDatabase,因为它具有相同的表,但我不希望在查询中使用它.

Here is What I have at the moment, I'm filtering LoginDatabase because it has the same table but I don't want that in the query.


My question is, how can I restrict it just to the databases with the table I want to get information back from.


    DbName VARCHAR(30),
    DbVersion FLOAT

exec sp_msforeachdb @command1='
    USE ?;

    INSERT INTO #tmpData
    SELECT ''?'', (SELECT Setting 
        FROM ?.dbo.gl_SysParams 
        WHERE Keyword = ''DatabaseSchema'')
    FROM sysobjects o
    WHERE type=''U'' 
    AND [name] = ''gl_SysParams'' 
    AND ''?'' <> ''LoginDatabase'' ORDER BY [name]


SELECT DbName, DbVersion FROM #tmpData ORDER BY DbName



您可以在每个数据库中使用对 sp_MSforeachtable 的调用,您可以在其中使用 @WhereAnd 参数过滤到您感兴趣的表 - 它赢了'不存在于您不感兴趣的数据库中,因此 sp_MSforeachtable 将在其中运行 0 次,并在每个带有该表的数据库中运行 1 次.

You could use a call to sp_MSforeachtable within each database, where you use the @WhereAnd parameter to filter down to just the table you're interested in - it won't exist in the database you're not interested in, so sp_MSforeachtable will run 0 times in there, and 1 time in each database with the table.

编辑简单的例子只是在我的一个随机服务器上运行,我知道只有一个数据库有一个 tblClient 表,有一个 ClientID 列(请原谅命名):

Edit Simple example just run against a random server of mine, where I knew only one database had a tblClient table, with a ClientID column (forgive the naming):

create table #t (
    ID int not null
exec sp_MSforeachdb 'use ? exec sp_MSforeachtable ''insert into #t(ID) select ClientID from ~'',''~'',@whereand=''and o.name=''''tblClient''''''','?'
select * from #t
drop table #t

这篇关于sp_MSforeachdb 查询帮助的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!



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