slice large file into chunks and upload using ajax and html5 FileReader(将大文件切成块并使用 ajax 和 html5 FileReader 上传)
Retrieve messages from RabbitMQ queue(s)(从 RabbitMQ 队列中检索消息)
rabbitmq AMQP::consume()(rabbitmq AMQP::consume())
Install AMQP in windows 10 amp; PHP 7.3(在 Windows 10 amp; 中安装 AMQPPHP 7.3)
Sending information to a ngnix from php on the same server without http(在没有 http 的情况下从同一服务器上的 php 向 ngnix 发送信息)
RabbitMQ wait for multiple queues to finish(RabbitMQ 等待多个队列完成)
RabbitMQ error timeout(RabbitMQ 错误超时)
How to delay? - php-amqplib(怎么拖延?- php-amqplib)
PHP Fatal error: Class #39;AMQPConnection#39; not found(PHP致命错误:找不到类AMQPConnection)
Does RabbitMQ call the callback function for a consumer when it has some message for it?(RabbitMQ 是否会在有消息时为消费者调用回调函数?)
PHP Daemon/worker environment(PHP 守护进程/worker 环境)
PHP How to header-location to a page in a parent directory?(PHP如何将标题位置定位到父目录中的页面?)