
what is Delegate in iPhone?(iPhone 中的代理是什么?)
property quot;assignquot; and quot;retainquot; for delegate(属性“分配;和“保留代表)
Get current view controller from the app delegate (modal is possible)(从应用程序委托获取当前视图控制器(模式是可能的))
Set delegates to nil under ARC?(在 ARC 下将代表设置为零?)
Passing data between 2 UIViewController using delegate and protocol(使用委托和协议在 2 个 UIViewController 之间传递数据)
Implementing UITextFieldDelegate with Swift(用 Swift 实现 UITextFieldDelegate)
OCUnit test for protocols/callbacks/delegate in Objective-C(OCUnit 测试 Objective-C 中的协议/回调/委托)
Handling app delegates and switching between views(处理应用程序委托和在视图之间切换)
Using a Swift protocol in Objective-C(在 Objective-C 中使用 Swift 协议)
Little confused on Delegates in Objective-C(对Objective-C中的委托有点困惑)
Recommended way to declare delegate properties with ARC(使用 ARC 声明委托属性的推荐方法)
What exactly are protocols and delegates and how are they used in IOS?(协议和委托到底是什么,它们在 IOS 中是如何使用的?)