
NSNotificationCenter vs delegation( using protocols )?(NSNotificationCenter 与委派(使用协议)?)
What exactly does delegate do in xcode ios project?(委托在 xcode ios 项目中究竟做了什么?)
Difference between protocol and delegates?(协议和代表之间的区别?)
How to make grid view scroll horizontally not vertically in android?(如何使网格视图在android中水平滚动而不是垂直滚动?)
Not receiving Push Notifications Using firebase and Objective C(未使用 firebase 和 Objective C 接收推送通知)
is there anyway to send notification from one device to other device using FCM without Firebase Database?(无论如何,是否可以在没有 Firebase 数据库的情况下使用 FCM 从一台设备向另一台设备发送通知?)
Group Firebase FCM on Android Device(在 Android 设备上分组 Firebase FCM)
FCM send messages to topic in specific app(FCM 向特定应用中的主题发送消息)
Creating FCM Topics takes a long time to show in console(创建 FCM 主题需要很长时间才能在控制台中显示)
FCM receive message Issue(FCM 接收消息问题)
Is there any way how to get data from push notification using FirebaseMessagingService in background?(有什么方法可以在后台使用 FirebaseMessagingService 从推送通知中获取数据?)
FIrebase Cloud Messaging, cannot resolve dependency 云消息传递,无法解析依赖项