Get button pressed id on Swift via sender(通过发件人在 Swift 上获取按钮按下的 id)
how to programmatically fake a touch event to a UIButton?(如何以编程方式将触摸事件伪造为 UIButton?)
Color Tint UIButton Image(颜色色调 UIButton 图像)
Keeping a UIButton selected after a touch(触摸后保持 UIButton 处于选中状态)
UIButton: set image for selected-highlighted state(UIButton:为选中状态设置图片)
Creating a UIImage from a UIColor to use as a background image for UIButton(从 UIColor 创建 UIImage 以用作 UIButton 的背景图像)
How to detect one button in tableview cell(如何检测表格视图单元格中的一个按钮)
Why does UINavigationBar steal touch events?(为什么 UINavigationBar 会窃取触摸事件?)
UIButton fails to properly register touch in bottom region of iPhone screen(UIButton 无法在 iPhone 屏幕的底部区域正确注册触摸)
Label under image in UIButton(UIButton中图像下的标签)
Round Top Corners of a UIButton in Swift(Swift 中 UIButton 的圆顶角)
Interaction beyond bounds of UIView(超越 UIView 的交互)