
Gradle build not working: Execution failed for task #39;:MyApp:compileDebug#39;(Gradle 构建不起作用:任务“:MyApp:compileDebug执行失败)
relation between gradle version and gradle build tool version(gradle 版本和 gradle build tool 版本的关系)
Gradle exclude arm64 libs(Gradle 排除 arm64 库)
Receiving a build error when upgrading to gradle 3.3 and android build tools 2.3.0(升级到 gradle 3.3 和 android build tools 2.3.0 时收到构建错误)
Android: Using SVG in res leads to error: quot;The file name must end with .xml or .pngquot;(Android:在 res 中使用 SVG 会导致错误:“文件名必须以 .xml 或 .png 结尾)
Is there a max value for versioncode?(版本码有最大值吗?)
Proper way to use System environment variables in gradle using Android Studio(使用Android Studio在gradle中使用系统环境变量的正确方法)
JaCoCo + Mockito + Android tests: Zero coverage reported(JaCoCo + Mockito + Android 测试:报告的零覆盖率)
Use different VersionCode for Debug/Release android gradle build(使用不同的版本代码进行调试/发布 android gradle build)
Add a dependency to an Android Cordova plugin(向 Android Cordova 插件添加依赖项)
Wear App and with custom build type with applicationIdSuffix(Wear App 和带有 applicationIdSuffix 的自定义构建类型)
Change generated apk name from quot;app-debug.apkquot;(从“app-debug.apk更改生成的 apk 名称;)