
In project #39;app#39; a resolved Google Play services library dependency depends on another at an exact version(在项目“应用程序中,已解决的 Google Play 服务库依赖项依赖于另一个确切版本)
What are the differences between gradle assemble and gradle build tasks?(gradle assemble 和 gradle build 任务有什么区别?)
Unable to see dependency tree with gradlew OR gradle(无法使用 gradlew 或 gradle 查看依赖关系树)
Jacoco and Unit Tests Code Coverage with android-gradle-plugin gt;= 1.1(Jacoco 和单元测试代码覆盖率与 android-gradle-plugin = 1.1)
Gradle error: Write access is allowed from event dispatch thread only in Android Studio(Gradle 错误:仅在 Android Studio 中允许从事件调度线程进行写访问)
Android Gradle: Dynamically change versionName at build time(Android Gradle:在构建时动态更改版本名称)
Error: The file name must end with .xml or .png when using an mp3 file(错误:使用 mp3 文件时,文件名必须以 .xml 或 .png 结尾)
Error: Gradle DSL method not found: compile()(错误:未找到 Gradle DSL 方法:compile())
Android | Cannot add all Google libraries for version 15.0.1(安卓 |无法为 15.0.1 版添加所有 Google 库)
Gradle Exclude or add reference for JAR file hard included inside library classes.jar(Gradle 排除或添加硬包含在库 classes.jar 中的 JAR 文件的引用)
Gradle quot;manifest requires a placeholder substitutionquot; error but manifestPlaceholders supplies a value(Gradle“清单需要占位符替换错误但 manifestPlaceholders 提供了一个值)
Manifest merger failed : uses-sdk:minSdkVersion 1 cannot be smaller than version 7(清单合并失败:uses-sdk:minSdkVersion 1 不能小于版本 7)