
How to make a discord bot add you as friend(如何让不和谐的机器人加你为朋友)



我正在创建一个不和谐的机器人,我想将它添加到组 DM 中,这样我就可以降低我的服务器级别.但是,您不能将不是朋友的人添加到群组 DM 中.有没有办法让 Discord 机器人接受好友请求?

I'm creating a discord bot, and I want to add it to group DM's so I can keep my server levels lower. However, you can't add people who aren't friends to group DM's. Is there a way to get a discord bot to accept friend requests?


不可能.机器人帐户无权使用 Discord 的关系端点.这意味着没有朋友和没有阻止,并且通过扩展意味着群组 DM 中没有机器人.

Not possible. Bot accounts do not have permission to use Discord's relationships endpoint. This means no friending and no blocking, and by extension means no bots in group DMs.




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