
Assign discord role when user reacts to message in certain channel(当用户对某个频道中的消息做出反应时分配不和谐角色)



我希望用户在我的欢迎和角色不和谐频道中选择某个反应时被分配一个角色.我到处寻找,在 python 中找不到适用于最新版本 discord.py 的代码.这是我目前所拥有的:

I want a user to be assigned a role when they choose a certain reaction in my welcome-and-roles discord channel. I've looked everywhere and can't find code in python that works with the most up-to-date version of discord.py. Here is what I have so far:

import discord

client = discord.Client()


async def on_reaction_add(reaction, user):
    role_channel_id = '700895165665247325'
    if reaction.message.channel.id != role_channel_id:
    if str(reaction.emoji) == "<:WarThunder:745425772944162907>":
        await client.add_roles(user, name='War Thunder')

print("Server Running")



使用 on_raw_reaction_add 而不是 on_reaction_add,因为 on_reaction_add 只有在消息在 bot 的缓存中,而 on_raw_reaction_add 将工作,无论内部消息缓存的状态如何.

Use on_raw_reaction_add instead of on_reaction_add, As on_reaction_add will only work if the message is in bot's cache while on_raw_reaction_add will work regardless of the state of the internal message cache.

所有的 IDS、角色 ID、频道 ID、消息 ID...,都是 INTEGER 而不是 STRING,这就是您的代码无法正常工作的原因,因为它将 INT 与 STR 进行比较.

All the IDS, Role IDs, Channel IDs, Message IDs..., are INTEGER not STRING, that is a reason why your code not works, as its comparing INT with STR.


Also you need to get the role, you can't just pass in the name of the role


async def on_raw_reaction_add(payload):
    if payload.channel_id == 123131 and payload.message_id == 12121212: #channel and message IDs should be integer:
        if str(payload.emoji) == "<:WarThunder:745425772944162907>":
            role = discord.utils.get(payload.member.guild.roles, name='War Thunder')
            await payload.member.add_roles(role)

对于 on_raw_reaction_remove

async def on_raw_reaction_remove(payload):
    if payload.channel_id == 123131 and payload.message_id == 12121212: #channel and message IDs should be integer:
        if str(payload.emoji) == "<:WarThunder:745425772944162907>":
            #we can't use payload.member as its not a thing for on_raw_reaction_remove
            guild = bot.get_guild(payload.guild_id)
            member = guild.get_member(payload.user_id)
            role = discord.utils.get(guild.roles, name='War Thunder')
            await member.add_roles(role)




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