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        How to color ticktext in plotly?(如何在情节中为ticktext着色?)
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                  我想根据各自的字符串(基于字典)在我的 plotly xaxis 中以不同的颜色显示我的 ticktexts.plotly 中是否有功能可以做到这一点,也许是通过 HTML 编码?

                   ticktext = ['<font color="red">{}</font>'.format(x) for x in ticktexts]

                  不起作用,它将 html 字符串提供给标签.


                  使用 LaTeX 的一点解决方法可以帮助你(对不起@Iwileczek,我偷了你的例子,希望你不要'不介意)因为 plotly 有完整的 LaTeX

                  2021 年 3 月更新:

                  如果您不想在输出中使用 MathJax 渲染的 LaTex 字体,请使用带有 HTML 样式的@Dapcer 的解决方案:

                  def color(color, text):return f"<span style='color:{str(color)}'>{str(text)} </span>>

                  fig.update_layout(font=dict(family="Times New Roman") [...] 的示例:

                  I would like to display my ticktexts in my plotly xaxis with different colors based on the respective string (based on a dictionary). Is there a functionality in plotly to do this, maybe via HTML coding?

                   ticktext = ['<font color="red">{}</font> '.format(x) for x in ticktexts]

                  doesn't work, it gives the html string to the labels.


                  A little bit of a workaround using LaTeX can help you here (sorry @Iwileczek, I stole your example, hope you don't mind) because plotly has full LaTeX support:

                  def color(color, text):
                      s = '$color{' + str(color) + '}{' + str(text) + '}$'
                      return s
                  animals=['giraffes', 'orangutans', 'monkeys']
                  colors = ['red', 'green', 'yellow', 'blue']
                  ticks = [5, 10, 15, 20]
                  keys = dict(zip(ticks, colors))
                  fig = go.Figure([go.Bar(x=animals, y=[20, 14, 23])])
                  ticktext = [color(v, k) for k, v in keys.items()]
                  yaxis=dict(tickmode='array', ticktext=ticktext, tickvals=ticks)

                  Update March 2021:

                  If you don't want to use the LaTex rendered font by MathJax in your output, use the solution of @Dapcer with an HTML styling:

                  def color(color, text):
                      return f"<span style='color:{str(color)}'> {str(text)} </span>"

                  Example with fig.update_layout(font=dict(family="Times New Roman") [...]:




                  Adding config modes to Plotly.Py offline - modebar(将配置模式添加到 Plotly.Py 离线 - 模式栏)
                  Plotly: How to style a plotly figure so that it doesn#39;t display gaps for missing dates?(Plotly:如何设置绘图图形的样式,使其不显示缺失日期的间隙?)
                  python save plotly plot to local file and insert into html(python将绘图保存到本地文件并插入到html中)
                  Plotly: What color cycle does plotly express follow?(情节:情节表达遵循什么颜色循环?)
                  How to save plotly express plot into a html or static image file?(如何将情节表达图保存到 html 或静态图像文件中?)
                  Plotly: How to make a line plot from a pandas dataframe with a long or wide format?(Plotly:如何使用长格式或宽格式的 pandas 数据框制作线图?)
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