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      2. 同步异步队列

        Synchronize asyncio Queue(同步异步队列)
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                  I am planning to have an asyncio Queue based producer-consumer implementation for a processing of realtime data where sending out data in correct time order is vital. So here is the code snippet of it :

                  async def produce(Q, n_jobs):
                      for i in range(n_jobs):
                          print(f"Producing :{i}")
                          await Q.put(i)
                  async def consume(Q):
                      while True:
                          n = await Q.get()
                          print(f"Consumed :{n}")
                         x = do_sometask_and_return_the_result(n)
                         print(f"Finished :{n} and Result: {x}")
                  async def main(loop):
                      Q = asyncio.Queue(loop=loop, maxsize=3)
                      await asyncio.wait([produce(Q, 10), consume(Q), consume(Q), consume(Q)])

                  这里生产者产生数据并将其放入异步队列.我有多个消费者来消费和处理数据.在查看输出时,在打印Consumed :{n}"时保持顺序.(如 1,2,3,4... 等等),这完全没问题.但是,由于函数 do_sometask_and_return_the_result(n) 需要可变时间来返回结果,因此在 n Finished :{n}"的下一次打印中不会保持顺序.(如 2,1,4,3,5,...).

                  Here the producer produces data and puts it into the asyncio Queue. I have multiple consumers to consume and process the data. While seeing the outputs, the order is maintained while printing "Consumed :{n}" (as in 1,2,3,4... and so on) , this is completely fine. but, since the function do_sometask_and_return_the_result(n) takes variable time to return the result, the order is not maintained in the next print of n "Finished :{n}" (as in 2,1,4,3,5,...).

                  有什么方法可以同步这些数据,因为我需要保持打印结果的顺序?即使在 do_sometask_and_return_the_result(n) 之后,我也希望看到 1,2,3,4,.. 的 'n' 连续打印.

                  Is there any way to synchronize this data as I need to maintain the order of printing the results? I want to see 1,2,3,4,.. sequential prints for 'n' even after do_sometask_and_return_the_result(n).


                  您可以使用优先队列系统(使用 python heapq 库)在作业完成后重新排序作业.像这样.

                  You could use a priority queue system (using the python heapq library) to reorder your jobs after they are complete. Something like this.

                  # add these variables at class/global scope
                  priority_queue = []
                  current_job_id = 1
                  job_id_dict = {}
                  async def produce(Q, n_jobs):
                      # same as above
                  async def consume(Q):
                      while True:
                          n = await Q.get()
                          print(f"Consumed :{n}")
                         x = do_sometask_and_return_the_result(n)
                         await process_result(n, x)
                  async def process_result(n, x):
                      heappush(priority_queue, n)
                      job_id_dict[n] = x
                      while current_job_id == priority_queue[0]:
                          job_id = heappop(priority_queue)
                          print(f"Finished :{job_id} and Result: {job_id_dict[job_id]}")
                          current_job_id += 1
                  async def main(loop):
                      Q = asyncio.Queue(loop=loop, maxsize=3)
                      await asyncio.wait([produce(Q, 10), consume(Q), consume(Q), consume(Q)])

                  有关 heapq 模块的更多信息:https://docs.python.org/3/library/heapq.html

                  For more information on the heapq module: https://docs.python.org/3/library/heapq.html




                  Adding config modes to Plotly.Py offline - modebar(将配置模式添加到 Plotly.Py 离线 - 模式栏)
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