• <legend id='TTEUN'><style id='TTEUN'><dir id='TTEUN'><q id='TTEUN'></q></dir></style></legend>
  • <small id='TTEUN'></small><noframes id='TTEUN'>

  • <tfoot id='TTEUN'></tfoot>

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      1. 如何使用chart.js在水平条中设置标签左对齐?

        How to set labels align left in Horizontal Bar using chart.js?(如何使用chart.js在水平条中设置标签左对齐?)

      2. <legend id='kDH0y'><style id='kDH0y'><dir id='kDH0y'><q id='kDH0y'></q></dir></style></legend>
          <tbody id='kDH0y'></tbody>

          <i id='kDH0y'><tr id='kDH0y'><dt id='kDH0y'><q id='kDH0y'><span id='kDH0y'><b id='kDH0y'><form id='kDH0y'><ins id='kDH0y'></ins><ul id='kDH0y'></ul><sub id='kDH0y'></sub></form><legend id='kDH0y'></legend><bdo id='kDH0y'><pre id='kDH0y'><center id='kDH0y'></center></pre></bdo></b><th id='kDH0y'></th></span></q></dt></tr></i><div id='kDH0y'><tfoot id='kDH0y'></tfoot><dl id='kDH0y'><fieldset id='kDH0y'></fieldset></dl></div>
            <bdo id='kDH0y'></bdo><ul id='kDH0y'></ul>
              • <tfoot id='kDH0y'></tfoot>

              • <small id='kDH0y'></small><noframes id='kDH0y'>

                1. 本文介绍了如何使用chart.js在水平条中设置标签左对齐?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  我使用 chart.js 的代码

                  My code using chart.js

                  var ctx_1 = document.getElementById('non_200_pages').getContext('2d');
                  var myChart_1 = new Chart(ctx_1, {
                  type: 'horizontalBar',
                  data: {
                      labels: ["Total","301 Redirect","Broken Pages (4xx Errors)","Uncategorised HTTP Response Codes","5xx Errors","Unauthorised Pages","Non-301 Redirects"],
                      datasets: [{
                          data: [ {{ $array_non_200_pages[0] }}, {{ $array_non_200_pages[1] }}, {{ $array_non_200_pages[2] }}, {{ $array_non_200_pages[3] }}, {{ $array_non_200_pages[4] }}, {{ $array_non_200_pages[5] }}, {{ $array_non_200_pages[6]}} ],
                          backgroundColor: [ 
                              'rgba(237, 56, 98, 1.0)',
                              'rgba(237, 56, 98, 1.0)',
                              'rgba(237, 56, 98, 1.0)',
                              'rgba(237, 56, 98, 1.0)',
                              'rgba(237, 56, 98, 1.0)',
                              'rgba(237, 56, 98, 1.0)',
                              'rgba(237, 56, 98, 1.0)'
                  options: {
                      showAllTooltips: true,
                      tooltips: {
                            enabled: true,
                            displayColors: false,
                            yPadding: 20,
                            xPadding: 30,
                            caretSize: 10,
                            backgroundColor: 'rgba(240, 240, 240, 1)',
                            bodyFontSize: 16,
                            bodyFontColor: 'rgb(50, 50, 50)',
                            borderColor: 'rgba(0,0,0,1)',
                            borderWidth: 1,
                            cornerRadius: 0,
                            yAlign: 'bottom',
                            xAlign: 'center',
                            position: 'custom',
                            custom: function(tooltip) {
                              if (!tooltip) return;
                              // disable displaying the color box;
                              tooltip.displayColors = false;
                            callbacks: {
                              // use label callback to return the desired label
                              label: function(tooltipItem, data) {
                                return tooltipItem.yLabel + " : " + tooltipItem.xLabel ;
                              // remove title
                              title: function(tooltipItem, data) {
                      responsive: false,
                      legend: { display: false },
                      scales: {
                          yAxes: [{
                              ticks: {
                                  beginAtZero: true,
                              gridLines: {
                                  display: false
                          xAxes: [{
                              ticks: {
                                  display: false
                              gridLines: {
                                  drawBorder: false,
                      plugins: {
                          datalabels: {
                      align: 'end',
                      anchor: 'end',        
                      backgroundColor: function(context) {
                        return context.dataset.backgroundColor;
                      borderRadius: 4,
                      color: 'white',
                      formatter: Math.round



                  我在如何将标签文本设置为左对齐时遇到问题.我想要做的是我希望我的标签与下一张图片相同,但我不知道 Options:{ 设置中文本对齐的位置.有没有人可以帮我解决它?我在 https://www.chartjs.org/docs 上找不到任何内容/latest/configuration/legend.html.提前谢谢你.

                  I'm having a problem on how to set the labels text align to left. What I want to do is I want my label same with the next picture but I don't know where in Options:{ settings for text align. Is there anyone can help me how to fix it? I can't find any on the https://www.chartjs.org/docs/latest/configuration/legend.html. Thank you in advance.


                  yAxis.ticks 标签可以通过定义 mirror: true 结合添加一些 padding.

                  The yAxis.ticks labels can be left aligned by defining mirror: true combined with adding some padding.

                  yAxes: [{
                    ticks: {
                      mirror: true,
                      padding: 220

                  要使标签在图表区域可见,需要在 图表布局.

                  To make the labels visible on the chart area, the same padding needs to be defined left of the chart layout.

                  layout: {
                    padding: {
                      left: 220


                  Please have a look at your changed code below.

                  new Chart('myChart', {
                    type: 'horizontalBar',
                    data: {
                      labels: ["Total", "301 Redirect", "Broken Pages (4xx Errors)", "Uncategorised HTTP Response Codes", "5xx Errors", "Unauthorised Pages", "Non-301 Redirects"],
                      datasets: [{
                        data: [16, 14, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0],
                        backgroundColor: ['rgba(237, 56, 98, 1.0)', 'rgba(237, 56, 98, 1.0)', 'rgba(237, 56, 98, 1.0)', 'rgba(237, 56, 98, 1.0)', 'rgba(237, 56, 98, 1.0)', 'rgba(237, 56, 98, 1.0)','rgba(237, 56, 98, 1.0)']
                    options: {
                      responsive: false,
                      layout: {
                        padding: {
                          left: 220
                      legend: {
                        display: false
                      scales: {
                        yAxes: [{
                          ticks: {
                            mirror: true,
                            padding: 220
                          gridLines: {
                            display: false
                        xAxes: [{
                          ticks: {
                            display: false
                          gridLines: {
                            drawBorder: false,

                  <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/Chart.js/2.9.3/Chart.min.js"></script>
                  <canvas id="myChart" width="500" height="200"></canvas>




                  ChartJS Version 3 - common legend for multiple line charts(ChartJS 版本 3 - 多个折线图的常用图例)
                  Charts.js scales yaxes ticks min max doesnt work(Charts.js 缩放 yaxes 刻度 min max 不起作用)
                  How to expand the slice of donut chart in chartjs?(如何在chartjs中扩展圆环图的切片?)
                  Chart.js yAxes Ticks stepSize not working (fiddle)(Chart.js yAxes Ticks stepSize 不起作用(小提琴))
                  Rounded corners on chartJS v.2 - bar charts (with negative values)(chartJS v.2 上的圆角 - 条形图(带负值))
                  How to hide value in Chart JS bar(如何在 Chart JS 栏中隐藏值)

                  <legend id='7gG3N'><style id='7gG3N'><dir id='7gG3N'><q id='7gG3N'></q></dir></style></legend>
                    <tbody id='7gG3N'></tbody>

                  1. <tfoot id='7gG3N'></tfoot>

                      <i id='7gG3N'><tr id='7gG3N'><dt id='7gG3N'><q id='7gG3N'><span id='7gG3N'><b id='7gG3N'><form id='7gG3N'><ins id='7gG3N'></ins><ul id='7gG3N'></ul><sub id='7gG3N'></sub></form><legend id='7gG3N'></legend><bdo id='7gG3N'><pre id='7gG3N'><center id='7gG3N'></center></pre></bdo></b><th id='7gG3N'></th></span></q></dt></tr></i><div id='7gG3N'><tfoot id='7gG3N'></tfoot><dl id='7gG3N'><fieldset id='7gG3N'></fieldset></dl></div>
                    • <small id='7gG3N'></small><noframes id='7gG3N'>

                        • <bdo id='7gG3N'></bdo><ul id='7gG3N'></ul>