I am trying to make a discord.js avatar command, and the mentioning portion doesn#39;t work correctly(我正在尝试制作 discord.js 头像命令,但提及部分无法正常工作)
Discord.js: How to send a message and collect reactions from it(Discord.js:如何发送消息并从中收集反应)
Joining a voice channel on ready (discord.js)(准备好加入语音频道(discord.js))
TypeError: message.client.commands.array is not a function(TypeError:message.client.commands.array 不是函数)
discord.js | Reply to Message (Actual Reply with Reply Decoration)(不和谐.js |回复消息(实际回复带有回复装饰))
discord.js bot replies to itself(discord.js 机器人回复自己)
How to detect if the bot has been mentioned?(如何检测是否提到了机器人?)
How to show roles of user discord.js / userinfo command(如何显示用户 discord.js/userinfo 命令的角色)
quot;Error: FFMPEG not foundquot;: Error with simple Discord Bot(“错误:未找到 FFMPEG:简单 Discord Bot 出错)
Cannot read properties of undefined when it shouldn#39;t be undefined in discord.js command handler(当不应该在 discord.js 命令处理程序中未定义时,无法读取未定义的属性)
Checking if a message was sent from a DM not working(检查消息是否从 DM 发送不工作)
How do you bulk delete messages excluding the pinned messages?(您如何批量删除除固定消息之外的消息?)