
Is it possible to selft mute a member with discord.js?(是否可以使用 discord.js 将成员静音?)
DiscordJS Bot - How to get the message immediately before another message in a channel?(DiscordJS Bot - 如何在频道中的另一条消息之前立即获取消息?)
discord.js userID avatarURL in embed(discord.js 用户 ID avatarURL 嵌入)
How to make a custom embed based on input gathered from user input through a prompt - Discord.js(如何根据通过提示从用户输入收集的输入进行自定义嵌入 - Discord.js)
Save JSON file to grab other data from it later(保存 JSON 文件以便稍后从中获取其他数据)
receive audio form a user with discord bot(使用不和谐机器人从用户那里接收音频)
How to get discord bot to read embed(如何让不和谐机器人阅读嵌入)
discord.js not playing audio file(discord.js 不播放音频文件)
Find the total of members online/offline Discord.js(在线/离线 Discord.js 查找成员总数)
Is there a command to send private message to all members of a group?(是否有向群组的所有成员发送私人消息的命令?)
Stuck with adding variable to Discord Client object Typescript(坚持将变量添加到 Discord Client 对象 Typescript)
addRole is not a function(addRole 不是函数)