
check if an user is in a specific guild discord.js(检查用户是否在特定的公会中 discord.js)
how to add reason in discord.js ban and kick command with commando framework?(如何使用突击队框架在 discord.js 禁止和踢命令中添加原因?)
discordjs using base64 image in webhook embed(在 webhook 嵌入中使用 base64 图像的 discordjs)
Discord JS ban all event banning members but returns no error(Discord JS 禁止所有事件禁止成员但不返回错误)
Create Server Template discord.js(创建服务器模板 discord.js)
How would I react to a specific message in [discord.js](我将如何对 [discord.js] 中的特定消息做出反应)
Auto-reply to direct messages(自动回复直接消息)
Play local music files using djs v13(使用 djs v13 播放本地音乐文件)
Making a bot delete its own message after a timeout(让机器人在超时后删除自己的消息)
How do I upload a custom emoji to my discord bot(如何将自定义表情符号上传到我的不和谐机器人)
Discord.js meme command with meme subreddit returns image as 403 forbidden(带有 meme subreddit 的 Discord.js meme 命令将图像返回为 403 禁止)
How to get snekfetch results into an object?(如何将 snekfetch 结果放入对象中?)