
Discord bot responds multiple times for one event(Discord 机器人针对一个事件多次响应)
make an autorole for discord.js v12(为 discord.js v12 创建一个自动角色)
How to get specific member username with discord.js(如何使用 discord.js 获取特定的会员用户名)
Discord.js Counter and storing(Discord.js 计数器和存储)
How does bulkDelete work?(批量删除如何工作?)
Discord.js V12 Rude words filter not working(Discord.js V12 粗鲁的话过滤器不起作用)
How do I check if a message is a DM in Discord.js?(如何在 Discord.js 中检查消息是否为 DM?)
discord.js v12 check if user is streaming(discord.js v12 检查用户是否在流式传输)
how to make my bot mention the person who gave that bot command(如何让我的机器人提及发出该机器人命令的人)
How to fix Must use import to load ES Module discord.js(如何修复必须使用导入来加载 ES 模块 discord.js)
How to list all members from a specific server?(如何列出来自特定服务器的所有成员?)
Discord bot: Fix ‘FFMPEG not found’(Discord bot:修复“找不到 FFMPEG)