How to add CCSprite over UIView(如何在 UIView 上添加 CCSprite)
How to return a C-array from method in Objective-C?(如何从 Objective-C 中的方法返回 C 数组?)
How to set background color in CCLabelTTF in cocos2d(cocos2d中如何在CCLabelTTF中设置背景色)
How to detect collision of sprite in cocos2d(如何检测 cocos2d 中精灵的碰撞)
GlView causes OpenGL error(GlView 导致 OpenGL 错误)
CCSpriteBatchNode. change texture file(CCSpriteBatchNode.更改纹理文件)
My Xcode4 cannot find CCRibbon(我的 Xcode4 找不到 CCribbon)
iOS and Cocos2d - Changing CCSprite#39;s image AND new dimensions = FAIL(iOS 和 Cocos2d - 更改 CCSprite 的图像和新尺寸 = FAIL)
Possible circular reference problem(可能的循环引用问题)
Multiple screen resolution support in cocos2d v3?(cocos2d v3 支持多屏幕分辨率?)
creating Physic body in cocos2d(在 cocos2d 中创建物理体)
In cocos2d how do you implement a touch hash code and reference it later?(在 cocos2d 中如何实现 touch hash code 并在后面引用呢?)