Objective C - XCode not recognizing variable outside of if statement(Objective C - XCode无法识别if语句之外的变量)
Implementing a QR reader in a cocos2d engine(在 cocos2d 引擎中实现二维码阅读器)
Problem playing mov file in MPMoviePlayerController(在 MPMoviePlayerController 中播放 mov 文件时出现问题)
What is Chipmunk? (Apart from being a Physics Engine)(什么是花栗鼠?(除了是一个物理引擎))
CCMenu misplaced under iOS 7(在 iOS 7 下 CCMenu 错位)
quot;No visible @interface for #39;NSData#39; declares the selector #39;base64EncodedStringquot; error in MKStoreKit(“‘NSData’没有可见的@interface 声明选择器‘base64EncodedString’MKStoreKit 中的错误)
removing jagged edges of my ropes using antialiasing of OpenGLES(使用 OpenGLES 的抗锯齿去除绳索的锯齿状边缘)
cocos2d Moving between scene(cocos2d 在场景之间移动)
how to pause and resume action applied to the ccSprite?(如何暂停和恢复应用于 ccSprite 的操作?)
cocos2d sprite collision detection boundingbox(cocos2d sprite 碰撞检测boundingbox)
Cocos2d - Setting Device/Screen Orientation(Cocos2d - 设置设备/屏幕方向)
iAd banner not clickable if banner moves(如果横幅移动,iAd 横幅不可点击)