cocos2d v3 re-orient screen during App use(cocos2d v3 在应用程序使用期间重新定向屏幕)
Send NSString via Game Center(通过游戏中心发送 NSString)
Getting the world#39;s contactListener in Box2D(在 Box2D 中获取世界的contactListener)
Scoring System In Cocos2D(Cocos2D 中的评分系统)
Draw a Line Sprite Between Two Points made by Sprites in Cocos2d(Cocos2d中Sprites在两点之间画一条线Sprite)
filled antialiased poly cocos2d(填充抗锯齿聚 cocos2d)
How to change labels text from a button on a CCScrollView?(如何从 CCScrollView 上的按钮更改标签文本?)
Gamecenter authentication in landscape only Cocos2d with CCLayer for iOS 6(带有 CCLayer for iOS 6 的 Cocos2d 横向 Gamecenter 身份验证)
CCScrollView scroll and touch events never firing(CCScrollView 滚动和触摸事件永远不会触发)
Rectangle and Circle collision detection(矩形和圆形碰撞检测)
CGPath is not detected properly in cocos2d(cocos2d中没有正确检测到CGPath)
Shader Program not working in Cocos2d 2.2 Obj.C iOS 12(着色器程序在 Cocos2d 2.2 Obj.C iOS 12 中不起作用)