
How to add Animated Image In Cocos2D without use of TexturePacker?(如何在不使用 TexturePacker 的情况下在 Cocos2D 中添加动画图像?)
Authenticate with Google App Engine from an Iphone Native Client(从 Iphone Native Client 使用 Google App Engine 进行身份验证)
how to run process in background in ios7(ios7如何在后台运行进程)
How to move water in iphone cocos2d?(如何在 iphone cocos2d 中移动水?)
How to do pixel perfect collision on many sprites in cocos2d?(cocos2d中如何对多个精灵进行像素完美碰撞?)
Add a magnifier in cocos2d games(cocos2d游戏中添加放大镜)
How to move background images infinitely in iOS coco2d(如何在 iOS coco2d 中无限移动背景图像)
cocos2d autoremove sprite after animation(cocos2d 动画后自动删除精灵)
Cocos2d - move a sprite from point A to point B in a sine wave motion(Cocos2d - 以正弦波运动将精灵从 A 点移动到 B 点)
Calling interstitial iAd works only one time(调用插页式 iAd 只能使用一次)
cocos2d 3.x CCButton set the sprite frame image distorted and callback/block not working(cocos2d 3.x CCButton 设置精灵帧图像扭曲和回调/块不起作用)
Cocos2d games in iOS7 not hide status bar(iOS7 Cocos2d 游戏不隐藏状态栏)